
stupid, stupid, stupid, frigging moron.....!!

Found the link again, the guy was a convicted felon. He probably just wanted a free trip back home (prison) where he belongs.

(Shawshank Redemption) touched on those being in prison for most of their lives and when they get out can’t deal with a society they know nothing about.
To them prison is all they’ve known and where they feel safe.
@Old_Me ,
What state are you in that issues blue cards to purchase guns? Just curious.
RI....it is given out by the DEM (Department of Environmental Management)

you get a free book, read it, take a "written" test" (can't recall how many questions), must pass with i believe 75%?

the gun store mails that into the DEM. you wait like less than 2 weeks, if you passed, they mail you the "Blue Card"

they never tell you your score when they mail it to you. i had to call them.

Do you think there would be interest in a free intro to handguns program?
i think that "IF" the attendee's submit to a "pre-background check", this could work.

why have someone attend that cannot buy or own a gun?

if i recall, the first day that i went to qualify for a range use card, the range ran a "quick check" on me, with the local PD.

i think it's reasonable to ensure a person at the very least, does not have any outstanding warrants, or has not been previously "red flagged".
Agreed and although those idiots have been banned I strongly believe law enforcement should have been called to investigate. This type of stupidity is giving law abiding citizens a black eye and provides fuel to the anti gun supporters.
Axxholes like the one in the video are one of the reasons Red Flag laws are becoming more prevalent. This individual should be charged with brandishing and or making terroristic threats!