
the debate tonight

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Yeah I heard that on Fox News. She is 5'3", Trump is 6'3
What actually happened was that the Trumpers demanded that there be no lift boxes.

BTW, I am 6'3". Trump is 6'1" tops. I also used to weigh 285, which is about what he weighs now. Don't believe me? Look at how his suit jackets overhang his shoulders.

But, as you know, we're not hiring on size. We're hiring on intelligence. If you don't think shorter women can rule men, study up on Indira Gandhi and Golda Meir
Don't matter who wins the debate, Trumps people will say he did and Harris people will say she did. i ain't watchin that crap. i know who i'm voting for and it ain't another 4 years of this crap we been goin through and if you do....well you may be a mental basket case or have a really severe case of TDS.
You can't watch an hour debate and determine who will be the best, what you can do is look at the four years Trump was President and then look at the last four years the democrats have been in power. Anyone with half an IQ knows this past four years has been disastrous. and why? cause of Biden Harris that's why. So why would you vote for more of the same, even if you hate Trump.
Wouldn't miss it. If you care about who runs the nation, it is cowardly to do otherwise.

Trump has more debate experience than any presidential candidate in history. Harris has almost none. What are you afraid of?
You think the president runs the nation ? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

No one is afraid. Except democrats. You've heard Kamala Harris speak in public right ? You think they've been hiding her because Trump is afraid to debate her ? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
At about half way through the debate Trump isn't doing very well. Don't like saying that at all but so far that's what's happening. Trump is getting angry discussing some off the wall subjects. Sure hope he does better in the second half.
But Kamalais not addressing any substantive issues. The questions were, IMO, were not profound and when she shilly-shallied in an answer, there were no follow-up questions.
it was like watching two trains in a head on collision
or two spider monkeys do the nasty with a football
they both got scrambled and lost sight and really failed
nothing but fluster frustration
debating is hard, its even harder when you both fluster each other and loose your train of thought and parrot the same lines for 90 minutes
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