
The handgun of the future is here, chuckle chuckle.

What the heck is that ungainly bulge under the barrel?
I'm actually thinking about buying a Hi Point Carbine in 40 S&W since I have some of that ammo laying around and don't have a 40 anymore...:)
Plus as a retired guy on a fixed income, a Hi Point fits my budget...:)
Yes while Hi-point is ugly just like a glocks, their claim to fame is low priced firearm that works and when you are limited in funds, why not.
Do not worry about the critics as they always feel the need to criticize someone's else's choices in their lives.
Ha, on other forums and in the YouTube comments for videos about this gun, there are quite a few gun owners who think this is a great idea, and what manufacturers should be incorporating in future firearms. I was kind of surprised by the number of people supporting this, but then I remembered how many gun owners also supported the bumpstock and arm brace ban.

With half of the country, e.i., all Democrat voters and politicians, and a small but decent amount of gun owners supporting this crap, this just might be mandated in the distant future.
Ha, on other forums and in the YouTube comments for videos about this gun, there are quite a few gun owners who think this is a great idea, and what manufacturers should be incorporating in future firearms.
There's also quite a few people who identify as animals and are demanding litter boxes be placed in the bathrooms at their schools. I only ever hear about them on-line though. Never met one or met anyone else who has met one. Funny that.
There's also quite a few people who identify as animals and are demanding litter boxes be placed in the bathrooms at their schools. I only ever hear about them on-line though. Never met one or met anyone else who has met one. Funny that.
Well we all are pretty much in our own small bubble in our real lives usually conversing and surrounding ourselves with like minded people, so I believe you.
There are some serious mentally ill people, you seen the woman that had her whole body tattooed like a tiger? and facial implants and teeth to look like one.
If you thougt that was crazy, wait until you seen the 6' tall 200lb+ muscular woman with an Adam's apple playing women's sports!

With people claiming men can get pregnant, the tiger lady doesn't seem that crazy. I've just about seen and heard it all, so nothing surprises me.
There are some serious mentally ill people, you seen the woman that had her whole body tattooed like a tiger? and facial implants and teeth to look like one.
I would argue that any person, gun owner or not, who thinks this smart gun technology is good and/or is the wave of the future, has some sort of mental issue. If someone tells you this is a great idea and that manufacturers should incorporate this into future firearms designs, do NOT trust this person. I suggest staying the hell away from them because they clearly have some sort of brain damage.