
Time to take a break.

Frankly if there were no liberals here this place would be a drag. The problem is NOT that there are people here with different opinions. The problem is when someone, regardless of what their ideological bent is, fails to be respectful and is primarily just a troll. As far as I am aware pretty much everyone here is decent people who focus on commonalities. .

I feel sorry for someone who desires to only listen to other people who think and believe exactly as they do.

And I had posts removed from that thread as well. And I knew they would be ultimately. Rules is rules.
We have had our heated exchanges over the years, but i have always found your arguments well thought out and thought provoking brother. Differing points of view is how we learn sometimes.
They make jackets now. Hats too!!
I guess I missed all the fun. And frankly, I have no idea who y'all are talking about. I guess I just never noticed him. :rolleyes:
I'm always open to different opinions. I may not agree with you, but I will hear you out. You can't solve problems unless you're willing to discuss them. However, such discussion should be done in a civil manner. Arguing, name calling and such never solve anything and its just downright rude.

bc22wm, hang around. It appears the issue has been taken care of and we can always use another opinion. ;)