I recently hit another milestone(50) a few weeks back.
Doc recommends getting the shingle’s shot. I am apprehensive but leaning towards just taking the shot.
I hear the long term nerve pain is not to be taken lightly. Your thoughts and experiences are appreciated.
in basic form, there are 2 types of shingles,,,the external, the everyone can see, and the internal which no one can see, not even the inflicted..and i have known people with both types, and i can assure you that you will never know which one is going to hit you.
what i can attest to, is the excruciating pain from the internal, compared to the ugliness and pain of the external.
if i recall, there are 2 shots involved for the shingles, with a waiting period between the 2.
my Mrs. and I had both shots, my elder of my kids have had them as well.
it's an all too real painful event in your life, that you WILL WISH you were dead..........
side effects are like anything else.
now if your Doctor recommends the shot(s), he/she KNOWS you health, and everything else about you.....
i recently found out the my Blue Cross will now cover the RSV shot..
i actually go tomorrow to get mine, after my doctor emailed to that he HIGHLY advised me to get it.....why..??
he knows all my medical reason why i should get it, that's why.
if we go to a doctor, seek his/her advice, and don't listen to him/her.....in the end, who do YOU blame..???
and no, it does NOT mean you'll never get it, but if you do, it'll be a milder variant....like anything else, all vax'es do is help build up antibodies to fight the germs.
shingles ain't to be "F"d with......
you buy a gun, ammo, reloading components with the "surmisation" that each one will work........there are no absolute guarantees' now for all those.......right......??