
To get the jab or not?



I recently hit another milestone(50) a few weeks back.
Doc recommends getting the shingle’s shot. I am apprehensive but leaning towards just taking the shot.
I hear the long term nerve pain is not to be taken lightly. Your thoughts and experiences are appreciated.
Carefully check the side effects, and ask any additional questions of the pharmacist (if receiving the injections there), as oftentimes they can provide more detailed information on a particular serum. It's no one hundred percent panacea, but worth the risk. Shingles, even minor cases, are not pleasant. Good luck. . .
I recently hit another milestone(50) a few weeks back.
Doc recommends getting the shingle’s shot. I am apprehensive but leaning towards just taking the shot.
I hear the long term nerve pain is not to be taken lightly. Your thoughts and experiences are appreciated.

No idea bub.

I never got the vax or boosted. Was tested for covid antibodies in 2021 and had none. In 2022 a gal in the house came home with the covid virus. She had been vaxed and max boosted. She went the full round from before covid symptoms to developing symptoms and recovery in the house with me around her the whole time. She was tested twice and showed she was covid positive. I was in close proximity to her the whole time in a small house, but not doing anything in contact other than a hug before she was diagnosed with covid. I never got the covid from her.

Maybe I'm lucky or maybe eating lots of yogurt helps. I had read probiotics help with covid. (But that is not why I eat yogurt.) Who knows? I eat a mix of 3 varieties of plain yogurt. About 3/4 of a gallon of yogurt a week.


Masks were not a big deal to me. Dunno if they work or not. But I wore masks. I figured if doctors wear them during an operation, they must help...some. Would you want your doctor doing surgery not to wear a mask or gloves?

When the shtf with early covid it sounded very bad. So, I wore surgical gloves when shopping. It is just as easy to not wear gloves and use a hand wipe after each time. But going to 6 or 8 stops in the car within a few hours means lots of hand wipes at every stop. And the chemicals in them crack the skin after repeated use. As a bonus, gloves cut down on the number of hand wipes I needed to use as they had become unobtainium.

With gloves I put them on when leaving the house and wiped me and the car down after I was done shopping. When covid emptied the shelves it was pretty common for me to hit store after store trying to find some flour, some eggs, some bread, some pasta, some bread yeast, some chicken...etc and etc.

A friend I knew used to have outdoor shoes and take a shower and change clothes after going outside for fear of covid. Well, everyone has their virus routine...and some don't do a thing!

I'm 70, and I don't plan to get any vaxes. The gal I mentioned above was first in line to get her new vax in '23 along with her flu shot that she gets every year. She leans towards dem.

That is my covid story...and I'm sticking with it!

Atomic Bomb Vacation 2.jpg
No idea bub.

I never got the vax or boosted. Was tested for covid antibodies in 2021 and had none. In 2022 a gal in the house came home with the covid virus. She had been vaxed and max boosted. She went the full round from before covid symptoms to developing symptoms and recovery in the house with me around her the whole time. She was tested twice and showed she was covid positive. I was in close proximity to her the whole time in a small house, but not doing anything in contact other than a hug before she was diagnosed with covid. I never got the covid from her.

Maybe I'm lucky or maybe eating lots of yogurt helps. I had read probiotics help with covid. (But that is not why I eat yogurt.) Who knows? I eat a mix of 3 varieties of plain yogurt. About 3/4 of a gallon of yogurt a week.


Masks were not a big deal to me. Dunno if they work or not. But I wore masks. I figured if doctors wear them during an operation, they must help...some. Would you want your doctor doing surgery not to wear a mask or gloves?

When the shtf with early covid it sounded very bad. So, I wore surgical gloves when shopping. It is just as easy to not wear gloves and use a hand wipe after each time. But going to 6 or 8 stops in the car within a few hours means lots of hand wipes at every stop. And the chemicals in them crack the skin after repeated use. As a bonus, gloves cut down on the number of hand wipes I needed to use as they had become unobtainium.

With gloves I put them on when leaving the house and wiped me and the car down after I was done shopping. When covid emptied the shelves it was pretty common for me to hit store after store trying to find some flour, some eggs, some bread, some pasta, some bread yeast, some chicken...etc and etc.

A friend I knew used to have outdoor shoes and take a shower and change clothes after going outside for fear of covid. Well, everyone has their virus routine...and some don't do a thing!

I'm 70, and I don't plan to get any vaxes. The gal I mentioned above was first in line to get her new vax in '23 along with her flu shot that she gets every year. She leans towards dem.

That is my covid story...and I'm sticking with it!

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Um he was asking about the shingles vaccine.
Guess it is a crapshoot who may get a reaction from vaxes.

The gal I mentioned in the previous post should be embalmed with all the shots she has got over the years. She loves pills and shots. She is near 70, little or no reaction from her vaxes other than was sick a little the day after she got the first vax.

A neighbor in her 70's' husband died a day or two after getting the first vax. I think he was 99.
I have had the shingles . They burn and itch at the same time. After I healed and waited the required time , I got the shots. Sure do wish I had gotten the shots before I got the shingles.

Ah...my mistake. Missed that. No idea about shingles.

I steer clear from doctors if possible. When a young teen my mom would take me to a doctor in Beverly Hills to get X-ray treatments for acne. Got tons of basal cell skin cancers over the years from the radiation. Lucky to still be alive. My mom was one of those people that loved doctors and pills. So, I have an aversion for both.

Good luck!
If I remember correctly the shingles shot sight was a bit painful for a few of days, then it subsided. My wife had the shingles and suffered greatly before the shot was readily available. IMHO, experiencing the shingles would be more painful than the discomfort of the shot for a few days.

Beware of who is giving the shot. There were reports of some drug store 'clinics' giving the CCP crud poison instead of what a patient was there to receive. Demand to see the vile the shingles shot is being drawn from. Hell, take a photo of the vile, you never know.
Once upon a time in a land not so far away, I was very pro vacs. Like the other Boomers here we remember the stories from our parents, maybe knew people that had been affected by the scourge of polio. I always thought that the anti vacsers had a screw loses at best if not downright tinfoil hat wearing wingnuts. NOW, not so much. After the covid vacs. Not that I question the vac so much, although I'm beginning to have my doubts, but that it got pushed down the throats of people whose age left them with little to zero chance of any permanent disability IF they got covid. because of Gov. games we will never know how likely that was to happen. All for $$$$ to the pol.s, pharma, and the bureaucrats, at taxpayers' expense.
I don't trust em anymore. No more jabs for me.
I got the shingles vaccine shot last year. It was recommended by my doc as being a good idea for those edging past middle age, who haven’t had the vax before…
No issues, no side effects for me.

I only got the two basic Covid vaccines; never got any of the boosters.

I’ve always found the base vaccines are all I’ve ever needed - i let nature handle it from there. Seems to work.
Once upon a time in a land not so far away, I was very pro vacs. Like the other Boomers here we remember the stories from our parents, maybe knew people that had been affected by the scourge of polio. I always thought that the anti vacsers had a screw loses at best if not downright tinfoil hat wearing wingnuts. NOW, not so much. After the covid vacs. Not that I question the vac so much, although I'm beginning to have my doubts, but that it got pushed down the throats of people whose age left them with little to zero chance of any permanent disability IF they got covid. because of Gov. games we will never know how likely that was to happen. All for $$$$ to the pol.s, pharma, and the bureaucrats, at taxpayers' expense.
I don't trust em anymore. No more jabs for me.
I too won’t play anymore Covid games (see my other post). But I’m thinking the shingles vax has been around awhile and is pretty straightforward - kinda the way I think of a tetanus shot ( or some such ).
I recently hit another milestone(50) a few weeks back.
Doc recommends getting the shingle’s shot. I am apprehensive but leaning towards just taking the shot.
I hear the long term nerve pain is not to be taken lightly. Your thoughts and experiences are appreciated.
in basic form, there are 2 types of shingles,,,the external, the everyone can see, and the internal which no one can see, not even the inflicted..and i have known people with both types, and i can assure you that you will never know which one is going to hit you.

what i can attest to, is the excruciating pain from the internal, compared to the ugliness and pain of the external.

if i recall, there are 2 shots involved for the shingles, with a waiting period between the 2.

my Mrs. and I had both shots, my elder of my kids have had them as well.

it's an all too real painful event in your life, that you WILL WISH you were dead..........

side effects are like anything else.

now if your Doctor recommends the shot(s), he/she KNOWS you health, and everything else about you.....

i recently found out the my Blue Cross will now cover the RSV shot..

i actually go tomorrow to get mine, after my doctor emailed to that he HIGHLY advised me to get it.....why..??

he knows all my medical reason why i should get it, that's why.

if we go to a doctor, seek his/her advice, and don't listen to him/her.....in the end, who do YOU blame..???

and no, it does NOT mean you'll never get it, but if you do, it'll be a milder variant....like anything else, all vax'es do is help build up antibodies to fight the germs.

shingles ain't to be "F"d with......

you buy a gun, ammo, reloading components with the "surmisation" that each one will work........there are no absolute guarantees' now for all those.......right......??
The vast majority of vaccines were routinely tested for years before being approved. Hence, they were successful and had little or no negative side effects.

The CCP crud poison was pushed through to quickly with very little clinical testing and now we know that the CDC//NIH/WHO not only didn't know how harmful the poison is, they changed their positions to many times not to trust them ever again. Then there's the unethical bureaucrats and "health care professionals" who benefited financially by pushing the poison on the planet.
i got my shingles shot, both of them

I got the shingles after seeing what my mother in law went through years back and it was painful for
her.. i have a friend that got shingles and was fine in 3 days???
so i tossed the dice and got em

we got the covid shots 2, only because we were going to go a cruise down the nile and it was part of the requirements
we both got sick as dead dogs after 2nd shot, so much so we missed our trip. so glad i listened to wife and bought trip insurance.

so we will NOT get covid shot anymore, and might not get flu either.
my VA doc stopped recommending covid shot last year, so that re-enforced my decision as well

for years i had breathing air issues from NAVY life chemicals and was getting the pneumonia shot every year. last time was 6 years ago, because i HEALED and can breathe (y)
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For what it's worth, I'm a sixty-something healthy male. After talking with my doctor I agreed to get the shingles vaccine and the pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine They have been around a while and are not mRNA based jabs. He was not concerned that I've turned down the flu vax and other flu-like vaxes.

After speaking to a couple of friends who had shingles, they wished they would've gotten the shingles vaccine. My only side effect was slight soreness at the injection site.

Ok, just my experience. You and your doctor work it out. ;)

Thank you for your indulgence,
