
Ukraine… Will Russia Invade ?

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According to CNN they've invaded

You sure about CNN, fake news, but yea it started…didn’t think anyone watched them, but they did get this right
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Lets hear it.
Forum thoughts?

I say Putin goes for it. What does he have to lose? Stern warnings, Pipeline cancel? He doesnt care.
Remember, Putin is old school KGB. He doesn't expect the west to challenge him militarily. Sanctions, he could care less.

US, Canada, France, Germany , etc, could send 5000 troops to Ukraine for “exercises”. Not enough to defend, but enough to put NATO troops in harms way for Russia to rethink

Well,I guess we know the answer to this question! After VietNam I gave up hoping that humanity would stop this insanity. Should have known better I suppose
This is going to happen, sooner or later. Putin had had his eye on the Ukraine for years. The big question is do we and NATO want to stare down the barrel at Russian regulars?

If we do get involved in the Ukraine does it provide China with the perfect timing to make a move on Taiwan?
Ukraine isnt even part of nato.And the answer to first question is no,second question yes.Fighting Russia on their homeground could only have one outcome.Ask the germans
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When I was in college there was a ROTC gal of Ukrainian decent on the rifle team that said Ukrainian independence was a big goal for the Ukrainians (this was pre-Iron Curtain coming down).

So since Ukraine has been independent for the last 20+ years I don't think the Ukrainians will go quietly.

The BIG thing will be when the Chicoms go for Taiwan.
No Ukraine is not a member of NATO and it’s a pipe dream to assume it ever will be. In fact this likely could have been avoided by the Biden administration publicly stating that it did not support Ukrainian membership in NATO. It would be about the same as the Russians forming a military alliance with Mexico.
A question Ive asked myself over and over for many years.Other then those of us who have seen war.Those of us who know the price of freedom.Ronald Regans words."loss of freedom is only one generation away.Do you feel the younger people today.Especially those millions who ran out and purchased firearms lately.Would use them if need to protect our country,or cut and run ?
When I was in college there was a ROTC gal of Ukrainian decent on the rifle team that said Ukrainian independence was a big goal for the Ukrainians (this was pre-Iron Curtain coming down).

So since Ukraine has been independent for the last 20+ years I don't think the Ukrainians will go quietly.

The BIG thing will be when the Chicoms go for Taiwan.
Chicoms have the land of the Rising Sun to deal with, if they decide to go for Taiwan and probably a few other fellow nations that don't like China.

Though this whole situation does remind me of the Battlefield video games.
Ukraine isnt even part of nato.And the answer to first question is no,second question yes.Fighting Russia on their homeground could only have one outcome.Ask the germans
Chicoms have the land of the Rising Sun to deal with, if they decide to go for Taiwan and probably a few other fellow nations that don't like China.

Though this whole situation does remind me of the Battlefield video games.
China is as close to untouchable as you can be. Japan would be a minor inconvenience.
A question Ive asked myself over and over for many years.Other then those of us who have seen war.Those of us who know the price of freedom.Ronald Regans words."loss of freedom is only one generation away.Do you feel the younger people today.Especially those millions who ran out and purchased firearms lately.Would use them if need to protect our country,or cut and run ?
I don’t think anyone should be counting on Karen to face down a tank with her P365.
A question Ive asked myself over and over for many years.Other then those of us who have seen war.Those of us who know the price of freedom.Ronald Regans words."loss of freedom is only one generation away.Do you feel the younger people today.Especially those millions who ran out and purchased firearms lately.Would use them if need to protect our country,or cut and run ?
Yes. I believe the fighting spirit lives within every American regardless of station. We just need something to remind us that we are not divided, but united under a common cause.

I used a quote from WWII today "...there is a gun behind every blade of grass."
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