
Virus protection and a big 'cluster fxxk'!


A few days ago I got a notice on my virus protection package (Kaspersky) that my subscription had been cancelled. No warning, no prior notice, nothing ... except on that same day I had two Icons show up on my desk top I'd never seen before. It turns out they were shortcuts to the files to install what is called UltraAV. It's somehow supposed to be a replacement for my Kaspersky subscription since they, Kaspersky has been banned from doing business in the USofA. Why banned, because there is fear in congress that Kaspersky will somehow use the software in some forms of espionage since they are based in Russia. We have software manufacturers in just about every country across the globe and this is the very first I've ever heard of such with the possible exception of Tiktoc, especially after having used this package for more than 15 years. Am I pizzed, you bet I am!!!

It's not the end of the world you might say, but those of us who were born before even B/W TV was available to the general public, it is a serious issue. I have a hard enough time just playing a little on the forum here, or using a simple email, but to try installing a brand new program of Virus protection, VPS, and other assorted attributes on two very different computers and two cell phones with not a clue where to even start with all the confusion thrown in about my current subscription being cancelled (with time still on it), having to ensure it's completely deleted in/on every device, and no way to get reasonably good help is absurd. Am I pizzed, you bet I am!!!

It seems no one currently in the business of computers, social media, and anything related simply do not understand that we old folks not born with our finger on the 'enter' key, are simply not as adept on these things as those who were. I'm sure once the last of my generation is gone, everything 'computer-eze' will be much easier for all those supposed customer service folks who cannot seem to understand just how frustrating it can be for us old fogies. Am I pizzed, you bet I am!!!

So right now I'm looking for someone here at the institution who knows enough to be able to walk me through all this crap without a break down. So far, no good. Most/some say yeh, if it's only one machine I can handle it. Other have wanted to argue with the instructions and tell me it doesn't require the deletion of the old package before the install of the new one. Others not even as old as I am throw their arms in the air and say "What the hell is going on with our gov't today?" Well, I can't say what's 'going on', but sometimes they show some real stupidity. They all have gov't paid staffs to take care of this kind of crap for them, unfortunately I don't. Am I pizzed, you bet I am!!!

What do y'all think?
A few days ago I got a notice on my virus protection package (Kaspersky) that my subscription had been cancelled. No warning, no prior notice, nothing ... except on that same day I had two Icons show up on my desk top I'd never seen before. It turns out they were shortcuts to the files to install what is called UltraAV. It's somehow supposed to be a replacement for my Kaspersky subscription since they, Kaspersky has been banned from doing business in the USofA. Why banned, because there is fear in congress that Kaspersky will somehow use the software in some forms of espionage since they are based in Russia. We have software manufacturers in just about every country across the globe and this is the very first I've ever heard of such with the possible exception of Tiktoc, especially after having used this package for more than 15 years. Am I pizzed, you bet I am!!!

It's not the end of the world you might say, but those of us who were born before even B/W TV was available to the general public, it is a serious issue. I have a hard enough time just playing a little on the forum here, or using a simple email, but to try installing a brand new program of Virus protection, VPS, and other assorted attributes on two very different computers and two cell phones with not a clue where to even start with all the confusion thrown in about my current subscription being cancelled (with time still on it), having to ensure it's completely deleted in/on every device, and no way to get reasonably good help is absurd. Am I pizzed, you bet I am!!!

It seems no one currently in the business of computers, social media, and anything related simply do not understand that we old folks not born with our finger on the 'enter' key, are simply not as adept on these things as those who were. I'm sure once the last of my generation is gone, everything 'computer-eze' will be much easier for all those supposed customer service folks who cannot seem to understand just how frustrating it can be for us old fogies. Am I pizzed, you bet I am!!!

So right now I'm looking for someone here at the institution who knows enough to be able to walk me through all this crap without a break down. So far, no good. Most/some say yeh, if it's only one machine I can handle it. Other have wanted to argue with the instructions and tell me it doesn't require the deletion of the old package before the install of the new one. Others not even as old as I am throw their arms in the air and say "What the hell is going on with our gov't today?" Well, I can't say what's 'going on', but sometimes they show some real stupidity. They all have gov't paid staffs to take care of this kind of crap for them, unfortunately I don't. Am I pizzed, you bet I am!!!

What do y'all think?
If you’re running Windows, why not use the one that comes with it? Windows Defender, it always worked good for me when I ran a Windows PC, plus I would NEVER click on an icon that just appeared, more then likely malware
And quit going to the nude sites that @Old_Me feeds you 😉

And then JJ clicked on the boobie pic and his PC then suddenly bimples appeared all over his screen…..
Please share the wealth from the Nigerian Prince with the rest of us
I will when it comes through. Right now I'm in a bidding war with some damned idiot claiming to be the prince's nephew and claiming he's the lawful beneficiary. We've been at it for a few days now but I think I've got the upper hand. The prince himself has emailed me on another account that his 'so-called' nephew doesn't know about. He and I are working secretly to out bid his nephew. I know it's kinda' sneaky, but just think of all that money I'll have coming!!! LOL!
If you’re running Windows, why not use the one that comes with it? Windows Defender, it always worked good for me when I ran a Windows PC, plus I would NEVER click on an icon that just appeared, more then likely malware
I knew enough to not click on an unknown icon, even though it has now proven to be somewhat legitimate. The real issue for me is getting all the uploading/downloading/installing/deleting all done on all four devices in the right order and at the right time. And I have until the 30th of September to get it done.

And I'm being told by some who claim to know that the Win Def was OK in it's day, but has long outlived it's usefulness due to the sophistication of some of the newer spam and hacks. I just don't know!
I knew enough to not click on an unknown icon, even though it has now proven to be somewhat legitimate. The real issue for me is getting all the uploading/downloading/installing/deleting all done on all four devices in the right order and at the right time. And I have until the 30th of September to get it done.

And I'm being told by some who claim to know that the Win Def was OK in it's day, but has long outlived it's usefulness due to the sophistication of some of the newer spam and hacks. I just don't know!
That’s why I went to Apple, no need for antivirus software, plus now with Comcast has advanced security which is included with my innerweb, it has stopped 5 things over the past couple years
I basically just ask this on my audio forum. I wanted to get rid of McAfee because one it's too expensive and two I didn't feel it was doing a damn thing for me.
Here is what a very good friend of mine said and he works in computer security so he should know something about something lol.

If you absolutely need to have a 3rd part AV provider then I recommend

1.) Avast - good overall, non-intrusive, doesn't skimp on the free side
2.) AVG - good overall, some nice features are only available on the pay side
3.) BitDefender - mostly for it's scrubbing capabilities, better features have to be paid for

Have a problem right now?

Download HiJackThis and find your problem. Use HiJackThis to neutralize your problem
Get yourself Spybot: Search and Destroy and do a FULL scan and just wait. Tell Spybot to fix everything found.
Have Spybot come up before start up so it can scrub your registry for you before Windows boots up.
Patch your system with the latest patches.

Or, leverage your AV but sometimes malware will interfere with your AV. Malwarebytes is usually simple to install but you can also put Malwarebytes on a bootable CD or thumb drive from another computer and use it to clean your system while the main hard drive is not booted up so your registry isn't active or holding system resources.

One other thing. If you currently have an issue and you can't get another AV tool to work correctly, Avast used to have a standalone app called Stinger but it looks like it's a McAfee product now. It's another cleaner application and you have to download the latest version to get the most up to date definition files. But, it's a standalone executable and can be run from a thumb drive or CD. It has helped me on many occasions in the past when someone came to me with a system that was really boned up and no other AV would run.

Stinger is NOT AV protection, it is a cleaner app and it is used to recover a system that has an infection the interferes with AV software so that it cannot be cleaned from the system by the installed AV application. You do need an AV application that gives constant protection.

You can get it here:

Avast has a cleaner app still too but it's not standalone anymore. Or, it is and you can make a rescue disk with it but it's not Stinger or HiJackThis.
That’s why I went to Apple, no need for antivirus software, plus now with Comcast has advanced security which is included with my innerweb, it has stopped 5 things over the past couple years
You keep telling yourself that. I have Macs at home and have worked on Macs my entire career and while they are harder to hack they are not impossible and basically as soon as you connect to the internet your security is massively compromised. I had Kaspersky as well because it’s a bloody good product but I’ll be changing to Macafee.
I basically just ask this on my audio forum. I wanted to get rid of McAfee because one it's too expensive and two I didn't feel it was doing a damn thing for me.
Here is what a very good friend of mine said and he works in computer security so he should know something about something lol.

If you absolutely need to have a 3rd part AV provider then I recommend

1.) Avast - good overall, non-intrusive, doesn't skimp on the free side
2.) AVG - good overall, some nice features are only available on the pay side
3.) BitDefender - mostly for it's scrubbing capabilities, better features have to be paid for

Have a problem right now?

Download HiJackThis and find your problem. Use HiJackThis to neutralize your problem
Get yourself Spybot: Search and Destroy and do a FULL scan and just wait. Tell Spybot to fix everything found.
Have Spybot come up before start up so it can scrub your registry for you before Windows boots up.
Patch your system with the latest patches.

Or, leverage your AV but sometimes malware will interfere with your AV. Malwarebytes is usually simple to install but you can also put Malwarebytes on a bootable CD or thumb drive from another computer and use it to clean your system while the main hard drive is not booted up so your registry isn't active or holding system resources.

One other thing. If you currently have an issue and you can't get another AV tool to work correctly, Avast used to have a standalone app called Stinger but it looks like it's a McAfee product now. It's another cleaner application and you have to download the latest version to get the most up to date definition files. But, it's a standalone executable and can be run from a thumb drive or CD. It has helped me on many occasions in the past when someone came to me with a system that was really boned up and no other AV would run.

Stinger is NOT AV protection, it is a cleaner app and it is used to recover a system that has an infection the interferes with AV software so that it cannot be cleaned from the system by the installed AV application. You do need an AV application that gives constant protection.

You can get it here:

Avast has a cleaner app still too but it's not standalone anymore. Or, it is and you can make a rescue disk with it but it's not Stinger or HiJackThis.
As much as I appreciate all this, the fact is I only understood about 20% of it. And I don't currently have an issue with my machine, the Kaspersky has been doing a great job for the better of 15 years. I don't remember even one issue related to viruses. My issue right now is having to delete it on 4 different devices, 2 laptops and two cell phones all different, and install some other virus protection program, making sure it has all the features I need/want like VPN, password mgr, etc, and I don't even have a clue what VPN is, when I can't get a real live body to talk me through it on a phone. Thanks again and please understand I don't even know how to spell 'IBM'! ;):oops:
You keep telling yourself that. I have Macs at home and have worked on Macs my entire career and while they are harder to hack they are not impossible and basically as soon as you connect to the internet your security is massively compromised. I had Kaspersky as well because it’s a bloody good product but I’ll be changing to Macafee.
So, are you seeing the same things I'm seeing regarding Kaspersky being cancelled, and their suggestion to install the AVultra? I'm not even sure I explained it all in a way most others can understand.

I tried getting through to MaCafee, Trend Micro, AVap, and a couple others earlier today but the line was constantly busy. I'm guessing the top 4-5 programs are inundated right now with having to go to a different app since I'm of the understanding Kaspersky was/is a well thought of app.
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You keep telling yourself that. I have Macs at home and have worked on Macs my entire career and while they are harder to hack they are not impossible and basically as soon as you connect to the internet your security is massively compromised. I had Kaspersky as well because it’s a bloody good product but I’ll be changing to Macafee.
Did I say they were impossible, no, I just don’t use anything, my xfinity protects my network and devices, my brother has used and still uses Mac’ for years, no 3rd party software, he has had have no issues, nothing is impossible these days, now if my xfinity didn’t have that protection, I may consider something.
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