
We are in trouble

So right of center is letting cities burn, defunding police, putting tampon machines in mens restrooms, Open borders, and i could go on and on. if you believe that is right of center then maybe YOU don't know what communism is.
Actually, right of center is where this Nation started out at. Extreme Right is Anarchy. Which we were close to, as our Founding Fathers didn't trust a Centralized Government, and wanted as little control as possible.But this totally blew up the fragile Union we had, so they had to have a Convention of the States and produce the Bill of Rights and all the Amendments limiting the Federal Goverment, but allowing the Government to have enough power to keep the peace between the States. If I recall correctly.. Communism/Marxism/Socialism/National Socialism/Dictatorship/Authoritarianism/Totalitarianism is Extreme Left. Antifa would be an example of Far Right, or Anarchy. Far Left would be Hitler/National Socialism, Communism, Marxism etc. Total control of the populace is far left. Total Anarchy and no government control is far right. Democratic Socialism is also far left as the government has total control over you. Democratic/National Socialism, same thing. Which explains the Left's hatred of Jews.
I guess you haven't been paying attention to what's really going on in the Republican Party. Here's a partial list and
let’s start with Mike Pence and others are General James Mattis, Mark Esper, General John Kelly, Mark Milley, John Bolton, Casidy Hutchinson, Dick Chaney, John Danforth, James Comey, Stephanie Grisham, John Lehman, John McKay, Anthony Scaramucci, Susan Collins, Mitt Romney, to name just a few. There are others. They all know Trump quite well and consider him to be the biggest threat to our democracy.

Trump has threatened to imprison his political enemies, he has said he would be a dictator on day one. To me that sounds like a leader of a 3rd world dictatorship.
I know them alright. I just don’t think they’re influential.

And it’s pretty funny you talking about Trump threatening to imprison his political enemies when the democrats have literally spent the last 7 years trying to imprison Trump. 🤣🤣🤣
I don’t think it’s a surprise that actual working folks would lean toward Trump vice Harris/Walz, the rest of the DNC elites, or the elitist RINOs poo pooing Trump. Dems know once the true working class leaves the democrats, they’re pretty much toast as far as staying in power. Pretty sure that’s what’s been behind the “borders open, come on in” Harris policy of the last 3+ years…an attempt to secure a future voting block.
Harris is down by 17% among the middle class.
How is telling people to "peacefully protest" inciting a riot?
It’s not. January 6 wasn’t an insurrection either but they’ll keep saying it.

And all the establishment republicans who have lined up against Trump naively believe the democrats won’t do to them what they’ve done to trump for 8 years now. 🤣🤣

Seems to me if establishment republicans and establishment democrats hate trump and want him in prison or out of politics this bad, it sure as F isn’t because he’s a threat to democracy. He’s a threat to their power and their money train.
Just like the only death during the jan 6 riot was Ashly Babbit. Murdered by a cop. But you’ll hear them repeat the lie that 4 cops died as a result of J6.

Lying, accusing the other side of doing the unconstitutional things that you are actually doing, making jokes about the assassination attempt on a former president. All things the left is perfectly fine with as long as “ the ends justify the means”.
It’s not. January 6 wasn’t an insurrection either but they’ll keep saying it.

And all the establishment republicans who have lined up against Trump naively believe the democrats won’t do to them what they’ve done to trump for 8 years now. 🤣🤣

Seems to me if establishment republicans and establishment democrats hate trump and want him in prison or out of politics this bad, it sure as F isn’t because he’s a threat to democracy. He’s a threat to their power and their money train.

Wait. So now you think that the person that actually lived what they are reporting isn’t entitled to report on their own experience. Good grief. Tells me I’ve debated with you enough, You’ll never get it. Have a nice life…well, until your friends on the far Left blow it up.
What an obtuse reply. Of course she is entitled to report her experience. My comment was about you wishfully clinging to it as a fact.

BTW, this is the same story they all tell when rank and file Democrats send them packing. Another similar example is Tulsi Gabbard. But the real reason she was kicked to the curb was her anti-gay marriage beliefs. Of course gay marriage is a mainstream idea supported by 80% of the country and a longstanding platform of the Democratic Party. But hey, the liberals did it.

Y'all been slinging this crap since the 1950s. We'll both be dust in the wind before any of your liberal conspiracies come true.
Kamala Harris did not receive debate questions in advance, ABC claims: ‘Absolutely not’ NY POST headline.
If ABC says absolutely not that really means most assuredly.
You could have made up a list that included those questions. There were no curve balls. As he said, your boy doesn't believe in practice. That's one of the fundamental questions for whether or not someone is an imbicle. And that's what he looked like
I guess you haven't been paying attention to what's really going on in the Republican Party. Here's a partial list and
let’s start with Mike Pence and others are General James Mattis, Mark Esper, General John Kelly, Mark Milley, John Bolton, Casidy Hutchinson, Dick Chaney, John Danforth, James Comey, Stephanie Grisham, John Lehman, John McKay, Anthony Scaramucci, Susan Collins, Mitt Romney, to name just a few. There are others. They all know Trump quite well and consider him to be the biggest threat to our democracy.

Trump has threatened to imprison his political enemies, he has said he would be a dictator on day one. To me that sounds like a leader of a 3rd world dictatorship.
You left out a word, he said ONLY on day one, then he wouldn't be one.
With all due respect, I think it's important to explain how this has been taken out of context so many times when in fact what was said when asked by a reporter if he was elected would he want to be a dictator, he answered sarcastically and with a smirk, "Only on day one". To my knowledge he never said nor implied in honesty that he would want to be a dictator, but did answer the question with dry sarcasm. He does have a very dry sense of humor and as often as not he is either misquoted deliberately when advantageous to his detractors, or sometimes even mistakenly (but it provides the same result). MSM has taken advantage of his dry humor since he came down the golden escalator. At least that's the way I saw it originally I'm pretty sure, and saw it that way re-enacted I'm certain.

The threat to imprison his political enemies may very well have been in earnest since he sincerely feels he's been persecuted time after time by those in power right now. The threats are typically called 'tit for tat' ... in other words all BS.
Once again, you don't know anything about me at all. And the topic was Socialists/Communists (and some other pejorative that nobody is but I can't remember. in positions of power in the US

Social Democrats do run the great countries of Europe in parliamentary democracies. But only Goober the fifth grade dropout thinks that Social Democrats are Socialists. You're just slinging stuff you know is crap to have something to argue about.
But the US is not a "parliamentary democracy", nor any other kind of democracy. The US is a 'Representative Republic' with a Constitutional guarantee/promise. And I'm pretty sure many of us know far more about you than you'd like to think.
Regardless of what you say about them, they influence how other republicans vote. By the way, George Bush isn't endorsing Trump either. My list of names could have been much longer.
But neither is he endorsing Kamala. He intends to do a write in for Sec of State Condoleezza Rice, according to himself.
I'm done with em. A supposedly avid gun owner that votes for a party that promises to take their guns don't have any common sense. Their TDS is too bad to even try. They would rather the country go to hell than see trump back in office.
Unfortunately so many will vote their personal feelings for or against someone and let them (feelings rather than thinking) override any real competency and/or sincerity of that candidate.
No, but it is not beyond a possibility. Of course I never would have believed that a president would cause his followers to riot and attack congress either.
Oaktree, with all due respect, you nor anyone else has proven the he caused "his followers to riot and attack congress". There have been many accusations especially from folks like Pelosi and other prominent democrats, but they are only accusations to enable them to refer to it as an insurrection. It happened in what the rioters considered for his benefit, but he never did anything to incite a riot. And as a matter of fact only a small number of all who went to the capital could be considered a rioter. Most were just tag-alongs and caught up in the movement. Much like I'm pretty sure you would consider those who burned down the cities of Minneapolis, Saint Paul, and Apple Valley during the BLM riots. He did use some pretty hard insinuations, and even delayed asking them to stop, but he also asked them all to go down to the capital peacefully and patriotically originally. Could he have done more to quite the rioters, maybe. But he did not in fact instigate them either.
Just like the only death during the jan 6 riot was Ashly Babbit. Murdered by a cop. But you’ll hear them repeat the lie that 4 cops died as a result of J6.

Lying, accusing the other side of doing the unconstitutional things that you are actually doing, making jokes about the assassination attempt on a former president. All things the left is perfectly fine with as long as “ the ends justify the means”.
Lying is in their nature ... in fact one of the rules for radicals (Saul Alinsky) is to accuse your competition of the same exact things you are doing until it comes to look as if they are the guilty ones. In fact Rule #5 in Alinsky's book is: "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage."