
We are in trouble

... there are no Socialists/Marxists/Communists who are at all influential in American politics, and none of the fantastical stories Trumpers believe are funny.

Carry on.
Ever heard of Sen. Bernie Sanders?
Okay I'll fess up. I am Trump supporter. If for no other reason than he is not a mealy-mouthed Ryan/Collins/Bush type reDUMBlican. Yup, it gets him in trouble sometimes. Especially with the hand wringing/sand in their bathing suet types. I for one can live with "mean tweets". He is more pro American and more pro business than anyone else at hand. Even if it is for his own gain, "A rising tide lifts all boats" J.F.K. Simple fact. Poor people don't create jobs the rich do. True, he is not as pro-2A as I would like but miles ahead of every demoKKKrat that has ever run in my life time with their "common sense gun control".
It only takes one day to declare Martial Law and suspend the constitution. That's basically how Ferdinand Marcos became a constitutional dictator of the Philippines.
Oh good gawd, that's what you think? so you think he will declare martial law on his first day? No, what you dems are scared of he will go after the asshats that has been filing false claims about him all these years.
And here we have an honest reaction to Biden/Harris vs Trump.
I don’t think it’s a surprise that actual working folks would lean toward Trump vice Harris/Walz, the rest of the DNC elites, or the elitist RINOs poo pooing Trump. Dems know once the true working class leaves the democrats, they’re pretty much toast as far as staying in power. Pretty sure that’s what’s been behind the “borders open, come on in” Harris policy of the last 3+ years…an attempt to secure a future voting block.
Oh good gawd, that's what you think? so you think he will declare martial law on his first day? No, what you dems are scared of he will go after the asshats that has been filing false claims about him all these years.
No, but it is not beyond a possibility. Of course I never would have believed that a president would cause his followers to riot and attack congress either.
Funny then how Putin did whatever he wanted while Biden or Obama were president and checked himself during Trump’s term. I guess you still buy the Russian Collusion hoax.
He also did what he wanted with Bush. Under Bush, he took Georgia. Obama/Biden he took Crimea. Under Trump, he took nothing. Under "well Son of a bitch, they fired him" Biden, he is now trying for Ukraine. He dealt with biden before, so he knew he could get away with it. Problem is, that war mongers like the dems and the cheneys, they are messing with a nuclear power. And they said Trump would start WW3 if he got in office in 2016. Nope. they are doing a fine job of that with their "Vegetable in Chief".
Let’s be brutally honest here. A few decades ago Harris and her cronies would have been up before the house un American affairs committee for their communist activities-if you don’t believe that then you do not know History. JFK (the icon of the Democratic Party) was anti communist, pro-life, Catholic, and an NRA member. Today he’d be called a “radical Republican” and boldly rejected by todays “Democrats”.
Why is everyone so quick to want to nuke threads? Been seeing this in a few forums/threads now. Personally, I prefer those pushing Socialism/Marxism/Communism be free to post so I can identify which posters they are. Makes it easier to understand their posts are coming from deep within the DNC bubble and we get an idea of how they’re thinking. Better to know your opponent than never see them coming. Personally, I find it easy to glance over their regurgitated DNC talking points and then press on to see what patriots are thinking.

To be quite honest, the comedy relief the leftists provide in most posts is very invigorating!
You keep using those words (communism/socialism/Marxism).

I do not think they mean what you think they mean.

Fact is, in the political spectrum, the US Democratic Party is just right of center.
He also says he won in 2020. This is a lie.

He also says that you can kill infants after birth in MN. This is a lie.

Give me one good reason to believe he isn’t lying about 2025.
In The DIsctict of Columbia and municipalities in three states (California, Maryland and Vermont), non-citizens are allowed to vote in local elections. . Fact. Ohio just purged it's voter roles where 597 illegals voted or registered in a recent election. Fact. Anybody who thinks that they didn't in previous elections, and won't in this election......Election interference? How about the Hunter laptop? Which the FBI had to admit to lying about and calling it "russian disinformation" in the court case against Hunter just recently.. This changed the election. Period. And the democrats changing the voting laws through the courts rather than the legislature, which is ILLEGAL. Of course, the RINOS were too wussified to challenge them. No, we won't go there, will we. And the FBI. CIA having a direct hand in the elections is very Putin like. Just as all the lawfare against Trump from the DOJ, the State Procecutors, this Administration, and the Pravda media. They took a page out of Putin's book on how to defeat a political opponent using the courts and the media. Trying to have him removed from ballots in the States. Classic KGB Putin move. Now, who is colluding with Russia again? Oh, and how about all the DEMOCRATS who protested and tried to change the elections of Bush twice and Trump? Hanging chads? Claiming election interference and that Russia colluded with them. Russia is the threat? Well, "the 80s called, and they want their foreign policy back"-Obama vs Romney about Russia being the existential threat. Remember that? So, either obama was wrong, or he was lying. And, Putin promptly took Crimea. And, it is well known that the democrats rigged the election in Chicago for JFK.
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I guess you haven't been paying attention to what's really going on in the Republican Party. Here's a partial list and
let’s start with Mike Pence and others are General James Mattis, Mark Esper, General John Kelly, Mark Milley, John Bolton, Casidy Hutchinson, Dick Chaney, John Danforth, James Comey, Stephanie Grisham, John Lehman, John McKay, Anthony Scaramucci, Susan Collins, Mitt Romney, to name just a few. There are others. They all know Trump quite well and consider him to be the biggest threat to our democracy.

Trump has threatened to imprison his political enemies, he has said he would be a dictator on day one. To me that sounds like a leader of a 3rd world dictatorship.
Cheney? You mean the Military Industrial Complex leader who is responsible for the Men and Women of our Armed Forces being killed, having limbs blown off, faces burned beyond recognition, and turning their back on them when it came time to give them the medical and mental care they needed? That Cheney? Now THERE is a ringing endorsement.John Bolton, another war monger. James Comey, who refused to bring charges against hillary on charges far worse that what they are going after Trump for, because he didn't want to interfere in the election? That Comey? Scarramuci, who is a weasel? Oh, and my favorite Mittens Romney. They lied about him, dragged him and his family through the mud, but he still licks their boots and calls them "friends"?

And Trump has "threatened" to imprison his political opponents? Like they are trying to do with Putin like tactics now? So explain why he didn't throw Hillary in jail. Oh wait, he already explained that. He said he "wouldn't feel right prosecuting the wife of a President". Yeah, he really did everything you loons said he would do. If he was going to be a "dictator", he would have done so during his last term,. Oh, and my absolute favorite: Biden and Harris claiming they wouldn't take the "vaccine" and they didn't trust it because Trump made it. What did they do after the election? They tried to mandate everybody take that "vaccine" and censored Free Speech and ridiculed anybody who didn't follow their edicts and beliefs. Just like a dictator. Just like Xi Jing Ping. Just like Putin. Just like Madero. Now, tell me who the dictator is again?