
What a idiot

You can’t fix stupid wow what shame
My question is this: why didn't the FBI and LEO do something when he first made the threats? I think anybody who makes threats like this should be charged and suffer consequences.
When I was in Highschool, if it was dove season, my junker pickup as well as most others in the student parking lot, had a shotgun hanging on yellow plastic rack in the back window. 1 or 2 boxes of shells on the seat. Ready for that afternoon hunt. How did we end up at the place we are now? Sad indeed.
All good and well but do you see where the slippery slope with the Crumbley kid's parents got us now ?

By the time I was 14 my dad had bought me several guns. It seems now any father who does that for his kid opens themselves up to charges if their kid does something stupid with a gun.
All good and well but do you see where the slippery slope with the Crumbley kid's parents got us now ?

By the time I was 14 my dad had bought me several guns. It seems now any father who does that for his kid opens themselves up to charges if their kid does something stupid with a gun.
I know this is a sensitive subject but I don’t agree buying a 12 year old an assault weapon no need I could see a shot gun yes and go hunting with dad . He must of known his kid is not right in the mind MHO
All good and well but do you see where the slippery slope with the Crumbley kid's parents got us now ?

By the time I was 14 my dad had bought me several guns. It seems now any father who does that for his kid opens themselves up to charges if their kid does something stupid with a gun.
Were you quite obviously mentally disturbed? If you were, would your father have bought you those guns? Did you ever threaten to go out and shoot someone, or multiple people? If you had, would your father have bought you those guns? And, both from a Biblical and non-Biblical standpoint, you are responsible for your children and their actions until they are adults. If I had done any of these things, I wouldn't be sitting here on this forum chatting with all of you knowledgeable people. And it would be a cold day in Hades before my Father would have bought me any type of weapon, especially a firearm. Each of these parents knew of their child's mental and emotional instability, yet they chose to buy their child a weapon.
I know this is a sensitive subject but I don’t agree buying a 12 year old an assault weapon no need I could see a shot gun yes and go hunting with dad . He must of known his kid is not right in the mind MHO
That's probably true, but I am willing to bet they have zero evidence of that at this point in the investigation. Sounds to me like buying him the gun was all they needed to charge him with murder.

Also I disagree completely with A) calling it an assault weapon. You don't need to do that, that's what we have liberals for and B) a blanket statement that you shouldn't buy one for a 12 year old. It's just a gun right ? Just a semi automatic rifle like any other. I owned a couple when I was that age.

I want to know how the kid got the gun and took it to school though. I mean I could have probably pretty easily snuck out of the house with one of my guns at that age I guess. You know, if I wanted my dad to kick the ever loving dog **** out of me, but.....
Were you quite obviously mentally disturbed? If you were, would your father have bought you those guns? Did you ever threaten to go out and shoot someone, or multiple people? If you had, would your father have bought you those guns? And, both from a Biblical and non-Biblical standpoint, you are responsible for your children and their actions until they are adults. If I had done any of these things, I wouldn't be sitting here on this forum chatting with all of you knowledgeable people. And it would be a cold day in Hades before my Father would have bought me any type of weapon, especially a firearm. Each of these parents knew of their child's mental and emotional instability, yet they chose to buy their child a weapon.
Again, that may be true. I'll bet you money right now though that the next time a kid shoots up a school with a gun his parent's bought him and showed zero signs of being mentally disturbed beforehand, those parents are still charged. That's the slippery slope and now it's a thing.
That's probably true, but I am willing to bet they have zero evidence of that at this point in the investigation. Sounds to me like buying him the gun was all they needed to charge him with murder.

Also I disagree completely with A) calling it an assault weapon. You don't need to do that, that's what we have liberals for and B) a blanket statement that you shouldn't buy one for a 12 year old. It's just a gun right ? Just a semi automatic rifle like any other. I owned a couple when I was that age.

I want to know how the kid got the gun and took it to school though. I mean I could have probably pretty easily snuck out of the house with one of my guns at that age I guess. You know, if I wanted my dad to kick the ever loving dog **** out of me, but.....
That’s right you have respect and of right mind . Ok I agree with you on not calling it a assault weapon but does a 12 year need a gun like this no
That’s right you have respect and of right mind . Ok I agree with you on not calling it a assault weapon but does a 12 year need a gun like this no
You can't say that either brother. A 12 year old needs this gun just exactly for the same reason as any other law abiding citizen. They are fun and easy to shoot. Clearly this 14 year old kid didn't need one, he needed some help that no one gave him, but he is not every 12 year old. And this gun is no different than any other semi automatic rifle, right?
You can't say that either brother. A 12 year old needs this gun just exactly for the same reason as any other law abiding citizen. They are fun and easy to shoot. Clearly this 14 year old kid didn't need one, he needed some help that no one gave him, but he is not every 12 year old. And this gun is no different than any other semi automatic rifle, right?
Yea basically it is probably lots of fun to shoot I probably would of love it also but this kid didn’t need it all
For the record I am not saying "Father of the year" here didn't deserve to be charged. It just seems to have happened entirely too quickly for me to not assume that's just going to be the norm any time a kid does something stupid with a gun that his parents bought for him. Or even if the kid takes one of his dad's guns. It's a Pandora's box that's now open and it makes me sad. I grew up knowing where loaded guns were in the house. My old man made sure I knew. My kid knew too.
1 - there will always be idiot parents (and children)
2 - I'm not arguing the law here.

Mass shooting in schools are tragic and seem to be increasing. Nothing will prevent them all. If the legal age to buy a long gun/shotgun is 18 and a handgun is 21, then If one buys a firearm for someone under the legal age - I think it is fair to hold the buyer accountable for death/injury/destruction caused by the recipient of that firearm.

If this fear of jail results in parents knowing their kids better and forces them to be more aware of their mental states, I think that is a good thing. If this deterrent stops even a hand full of schools shootings, that is good.

I do not see this as a violation of the 2A. And its a way better strategy than an "assault" weapons (not my language) ban and/or mag capacity limits, etc.

I just think the 2A community needs to get in the discussion and offer some strategies for prevention of these shooting. Folding our hands and screaming "2A" or "thoughts and prayers" - makes us look like we don't care.

I'm good with parental accountability.
I'm good with practical safe storage laws.
I'm also good with raising the purchase age of all firearms to 21 - with possible exceptions for military.
(I know I'll take sh*t for that last one.)

On an additional note on the 21 age restriction -
I'm 60. Since I grew up, our society has extended adolescence into one's 20s. And a whole lot of 20 somethings act that way. If one feels good buying a firearm for an under 21 yr old in our current society - let them, with accountability.
The Apple clearly didn’t fall far from the tree. Good riddance to the whole family. There are certain people who are simply not redeemable and have earned the distinction of not being valued or judged to the same standard the rest of us enjoy. Sadly, a vast many of these people spend their entire life being a drain on society and causing misery to everyone that comes into contact with them. Occasionally one of them is stupid enough to bring a gun into the mix and expand their reach of depravity. And then for reasons that defy explanation, people rationalize this charade because now the government’s gonna come and take our guns. 2A be damned, some people have no business around guns.
1 - there will always be idiot parents (and children)
2 - I'm not arguing the law here.

Mass shooting in schools are tragic and seem to be increasing. Nothing will prevent them all. If the legal age to buy a long gun/shotgun is 18 and a handgun is 21, then If one buys a firearm for someone under the legal age - I think it is fair to hold the buyer accountable for death/injury/destruction caused by the recipient of that firearm.

If this fear of jail results in parents knowing their kids better and forces them to be more aware of their mental states, I think that is a good thing. If this deterrent stops even a hand full of schools shootings, that is good.

I do not see this as a violation of the 2A. And its a way better strategy than an "assault" weapons (not my language) ban and/or mag capacity limits, etc.

I just think the 2A community needs to get in the discussion and offer some strategies for prevention of these shooting. Folding our hands and screaming "2A" or "thoughts and prayers" - makes us look like we don't care.

I'm good with parental accountability.
I'm good with practical safe storage laws.
I'm also good with raising the purchase age of all firearms to 21 - with possible exceptions for military.
(I know I'll take sh*t for that last one.)

On an additional note on the 21 age restriction -
I'm 60. Since I grew up, our society has extended adolescence into one's 20s. And a whole lot of 20 somethings act that way. If one feels good buying a firearm for an under 21 yr old in our current society - let them, with accountability.
Well your last point is ridiculous. If you can vote, sign a legal contract, get married, move out of your parent's house, etc. at 18 then the law says you are an adult at 18. If that age is going to change to 21 then it needs to change for all that other stuff too.

I seem to recall ( as someone else here mentioned) when I was growing up it was standard thought that parents were responsible for their minor children. However that has never been the case in practice. Unless some sort of negligence can be proved. Failing to keep my guns under lock and key at all times other than while I'm using them is not negligence.