
What are you doing right now??

got back a while ago from the gastro doctor..it was a follow up to my colonoscopy a few weeks ago

when i first entered the exam room, a young female doctor "interviewed" me...she is in her second year of this specialty.

we got real down with information with each other, and i always feel comfortable with a female doctor, they are professionals, and i respect that

then my doctor came in, after she went to get him, and give him the run down.

what he told me was that "some" of those polyps were actually inflamed sacks, that looked like polyps, thus no cancers. even the polyps he did remove were not cancer.......(i was previously told of no cancer, but the "sacks" were new to me)

so great news...i still have diverticulitis, which i have to increase my fiber intake, or 2 glasses of Metamucil a day.

so more good news is that, the october colonoscopy is cancelled by him, for another 5 years

i was not apprehensive of this visit, it was expected as a normal follow up

now, for some chicken salad.
Did a seamless return of the first ac unit. Went quicker than the purchase. Ordered a different brand from Home Depot and it will be delivered to the house on Friday (2 days). Beats 7-10 days on parts anytime.
My dr. visit yesterday only showed a slight BP elevation, 130 instead of 116 from the day prior. That was after I chilled for a few hours. Mostly good news, but I do get an iron infusion shortly. I swear I'm no weanie, but I just hate needles.
Hi guys!

@Annihilator, @wolfpack076, and @belladonna, I pray your loved ones are doing better. @Bassbob, sorry for your loss.

I haven't been able to hang out with you guys much lately. My seasonal employment (election season) will keep me very busy between my other commitments, worship team, family, gigs, chores, etc.

I did take a defensive movement clinic at the range yesterday. It was the first time I've shot anything in almost three weeks but I did pretty good with speed and accuracy. I'll try to put up a few pictures later.

In the meantime, I hope everyone can stay cool and dry. Blessings.

Thank you for your indulgence,

Thank you sir, she is doing better, had her at her doctor yesterday, couldn’t find really anything, ears were ok, gave her vertigo medicine, which is basically motion sickness medicine, she is fine today, again thank you sir! It’s appreciated!
Loaded some shotgun and got the rest of the ammo ready for Saturday. Gotta do it early before the heat begins to suck. Had the doors open, fan blowing and some tasty blues playing. Great way to start the day.
I have to admit, I enjoy you regulars here. I appreciate your viewpoints on guns, gear and just plain stuff. Humor aint bad either.
got back a while ago from the gastro doctor..it was a follow up to my colonoscopy a few weeks ago

when i first entered the exam room, a young female doctor "interviewed" me...she is in her second year of this specialty.

we got real down with information with each other, and i always feel comfortable with a female doctor, they are professionals, and i respect that

then my doctor came in, after she went to get him, and give him the run down.

what he told me was that "some" of those polyps were actually inflamed sacks, that looked like polyps, thus no cancers. even the polyps he did remove were not cancer.......(i was previously told of no cancer, but the "sacks" were new to me)

so great news...i still have diverticulitis, which i have to increase my fiber intake, or 2 glasses of Metamucil a day.

so more good news is that, the october colonoscopy is cancelled by him, for another 5 years

i was not apprehensive of this visit, it was expected as a normal follow up

now, for some chicken salad.
Great news, no cancerous polyps.
Working …