
What are you doing right now??

i did the weeding this morning about 7:30 and i had quite a few. it always amazes me how they grow faster and more prolific than my tomatoes.

i must have sweated at least a gallon too, thanks to the humidity, and i only have a 15' x 15' garden
We have thistles the size of trees back there…the stems I swear are three inches in diameter. Between those and gofers….:cautious:
We have thistles the size of trees back there…the stems I swear are three inches in diameter. Between those and gofers….:cautious:
Sipping coffee on the deck with Gracie watching the squirrels and birds load up on peanuts and bread I put out for them. Then off to yet another therapy session for my speech and balance issues since the accident.
your watching squirrels..??

just this morning, going out for my news paper, i was seeing many road pizza squirrels......the best sight i could ever see.

then when i got home, no time for relaxing, had to water the garden, before that hot sun came up.
Got back from the ER room, my wife’s vertigo got real bad about 3:00am, worse then I ever saw, she got sick, started getting the dry heaves, got scared and couldn’t stop from shaking, called E Squad and had them take her, gave her some meds, got to take her to her PCP tomorrow, she is resting right now…..you just never know…..☹️☹️
Got back from the ER room, my wife’s vertigo got real bad about 3:00am, worse then I ever saw, she got sick, started getting the dry heaves, got scared and couldn’t stop from shaking, called E Squad and had them take her, gave her some meds, got to take her to her PCP tomorrow, she is resting right now…..you just never know…..☹️☹️
My wife has Meniere's disease that has those symptoms. I used to be called frequently to pick her up at work because she was throwing up and it wouldn't stop. For a while she had injections in her eardrum to calm it down. It was one reason to retire early.
Caffeine is a no go. She drinks the unleaded now. Salt also is an issue, so she tries to keep it to a minimum. When she's feeling close to a nausea episode, she says her ears start to ring.
There is a manipulation movement that can help stop the spinning. Good luck.