
What are you doing right now??

I can no longer lay on my right side . Something about crystals in connection with the inner ear being out of place.

I somewhat know the feeling but I feel for anyone why has this problem on a regular basis. At least for me , as long as I stay on my back or left side I am ok.
Was suppressor cleaning day, obsidian 9, Obsidian 45 and CGS Mod9



Watching a forest fire blowing up due east of me.

The grassy ridge (cured-out now) tops off at ~5,000 ft. and the fire is in a north-south drainage back to the east a few miles.

View attachment 62418
The fire started yesterday (human-caused) and rapidly went to 500 acres, then 800 ac. by 10 pm, and now at 1,700 and counting.

A little smoky smell in the valley with the inversion starting to break, and the winds are taking it to the NW.
AC update. Got home about 7:30 and started prepping. Took everything out of the box and checked list of items included and what I got. Big Oops! They forgot to include the screws and several brackets used to install. Multiple calls to LG and Lowes and a trip to Lowes later, parts will be delivered in 7-10 days. Checked with Lowes and unable to order new exact model, so returning is not an option if I want the same one. Grrrrrr!
The wife and I noticed a nice cool breeze outside early, but now it is hot with hot weather warning. It could have been done before 9 or 10. I guess I'll do some online shopping to see if I want a different one that I can get quicker. Oh, the customer service folks sounded like they were in China. I was civil and did not comment, but I was sure thinking some things. Being old and hard of hearing, I like people speaking in clear English.
Sigh. :confused:
Hi guys!

@Annihilator, @wolfpack076, and @belladonna, I pray your loved ones are doing better. @Bassbob, sorry for your loss.

I haven't been able to hang out with you guys much lately. My seasonal employment (election season) will keep me very busy between my other commitments, worship team, family, gigs, chores, etc.

I did take a defensive movement clinic at the range yesterday. It was the first time I've shot anything in almost three weeks but I did pretty good with speed and accuracy. I'll try to put up a few pictures later.

In the meantime, I hope everyone can stay cool and dry. Blessings.

Thank you for your indulgence,
