
What are you doing right now??

i cancelled the repairs to my front porch, its too damned muggy, and passing showers from time to time, since yesterday.

that ladder gets super slick real quick, i need not have one of my sons-in-law or my sons fall.....as i'd concentrate more on those chewy fudge brownies as they wallow in pain.....

not only that, but they would be using MY power tools, and i'd have to wipe them down.......too much responsibility on my part.

so maybe next weekend.......then i'll have more brownies to munch on....and no other responsibilities.
Halfway through cup #2. About to get my collective self together and rustle up some brunch. Not much else on the agenda today except cleaning the pistols. Maybe I'll destroy some demons later...we'll see how the day goes. Gotta be in the mood for gaming. 😎
Hope you have a good day. I have cut back on news consumption as all the BS is downright confusing even depressing.
Hope you have a good day. I have cut back on news consumption as all the BS is downright confusing even depressing.
Yeah, I have backed off of that as well. The husband has Fox News on his tv 90% of the time. The news just pisses me off most of the time because I can see right through that BS, on both sides. I prefer to concentrate on what I can control in my life and not allow the media manipulate my emotions. So yes, I intend to have a good Sunday. Wishing the same to you. 😊
Filled my diesel generator tank then filled the nurse tank and parked it next to the generator. Debbie isn't going to impact us but there will be others. I had planned to run the line trimmer for a bit but 102 temp drove me into the AC. Watching WWII documentary videos on Patton on Youtube with the dogs.
Kicking back watching Netflix