
What are you doing right now??

Slept in today. 6AM. Finished with my cup of coffee, wasting a little time here then I'll get dressed and head to my mom's to pick up some concrete chunks she needs hauled off, go by my sister's and move a little furniture and load up an armoire ( spelling?) that she's giving my wife. Then head home and do some things that need to be done around here. I wanted to go to the scrap yard and turn in some copper and red brass that has been magically appearing in buckets in my shop for awhile, but that can wait until later I suppose.

I may get a shotgun out later.
Will cat killing be in your plans today?

I hope not.

I took some wire fencing and tacked it to the beam on the deck temporarily to keep cats from being able to use the deck as cover to sneak up on the feeders and so far ( knock on wood) I haven't seen a cat in the yard since the "Incident".

I keep trying to come up with alternatives you know. The wife has just had enough. These cats are inbred, some of them were born with only one eye, a lot of them are clearly F'ed up. And there are a lot of them. We estimate at least 40. She has decided that if the county won't do anything, like trap them and do whatever with them, then they just are going to have to be killed. She wanted to use my .22 pistol. I told her she wasn't a good enough shot ( she almost never shoots) and she would end up just wounding one, which is terrible. If I'm going to be forced to kill animals, which I REALLY, REALLY don't want to do, I'm going to insure they die immediately. That means some #4 to the head.
I dont think thats ever in his plans, but I’d have out about 10 traps

Then the problem becomes what to do with them ? The county animal control has said they will take at the most one a day. They simply don't have room or staff to deal with them. My plans certainly don't include finding homes for F'ed up cats. I also really don't want to do shite that simply makes their crappy little lives even worse. In reality the most humane thing is to just quickly kill them, but I'm in a very odd position. I spent most of my life as an avid hunter. Killed more deer, turkey and quail than I can count. As my father got old and his hunting days got numbered it's like a light switch flipped on in my head. I'd say the last 5 or 6 deer I killed I felt really bad about. Not that I did anything wrong, they were clean, legal kills. I don't understand what's wrong with me, but I have found myself ushering errant wasps out the doors of my house rather than kill them ( not red wasps, those have to die). I don't even like killing bugs.

I think maybe I was abducted by aliens and replaced by someone who actually gives a F. It's terrible.
Then the problem becomes what to do with them ? The county animal control has said they will take at the most one a day. They simply don't have room or staff to deal with them. My plans certainly don't include finding homes for F'ed up cats. I also really don't want to do shite that simply makes their crappy little lives even worse. In reality the most humane thing is to just quickly kill them, but I'm in a very odd position. I spent most of my life as an avid hunter. Killed more deer, turkey and quail than I can count. As my father got old and his hunting days got numbered it's like a light switch flipped on in my head. I'd say the last 5 or 6 deer I killed I felt really bad about. Not that I did anything wrong, they were clean, legal kills. I don't understand what's wrong with me, but I have found myself ushering errant wasps out the doors of my house rather than kill them ( not red wasps, those have to die). I don't even like killing bugs.

I think maybe I was abducted by aliens and replaced by someone who actually gives a F. It's terrible.
You’re trying to get into Heaven now that you’re older 😜😀
Slept in today. 6AM. Finished with my cup of coffee, wasting a little time here then I'll get dressed and head to my mom's to pick up some concrete chunks she needs hauled off, go by my sister's and move a little furniture and load up an armoire ( spelling?) that she's giving my wife. Then head home and do some things that need to be done around here. I wanted to go to the scrap yard and turn in some copper and red brass that has been magically appearing in buckets in my shop for awhile, but that can wait until later I suppose.

I may get a shotgun out later.
Do they recycle aluminum flag poles there?
I understand completely. Not the animals fault. Had the same problem here a few years back and city just ignored problem. Then they caught some, fixed them and returned them to same area. Still had the same problem, cats and their mess everywhere. When I called animal control to ask them to come by house everyday to pick up pile left by curb they acted and took care of the problem. Sucked it had to go that far and honestly I didn't want to shoot them either.
Fair point. It's true I am not afraid of going to hell. I still have to sleep with myself.

Nevertheless I fear I will indeed have to start killing cats. Otherwise my wife will. And she will be far less efficient than I will.
What you need is Fido.
Go to the shelter and pick you out a nice mannered loving companion.
Let fido have free reign of the back yard .. no more cats 🙂
Unless the pick the one Fido that grew up with cats 😬
Starting on cup #2. We were out at the pit quite late last night, and I'm not used to being up that late... Lovely morning, hopefully the storms will move around us. We have to go into Fargo so the husband can get his glasses and safety glasses adjusted. So we'll grab some brunch while we're there. Hopefully we'll get home in time to wrap up the outdoor stuff (dumping sheep manure on the fruit trees, trimming down some bush out back) before weather closes in. Indoors I have laundry to do and guns to clean. Have a good one, y'all.
Oh, and @Bassbob, you spelled armoire just fine ;).
Then the problem becomes what to do with them ? The county animal control has said they will take at the most one a day. They simply don't have room or staff to deal with them. My plans certainly don't include finding homes for F'ed up cats. I also really don't want to do shite that simply makes their crappy little lives even worse. In reality the most humane thing is to just quickly kill them, but I'm in a very odd position. I spent most of my life as an avid hunter. Killed more deer, turkey and quail than I can count. As my father got old and his hunting days got numbered it's like a light switch flipped on in my head. I'd say the last 5 or 6 deer I killed I felt really bad about. Not that I did anything wrong, they were clean, legal kills. I don't understand what's wrong with me, but I have found myself ushering errant wasps out the doors of my house rather than kill them ( not red wasps, those have to die). I don't even like killing bugs.

I think maybe I was abducted by aliens and replaced by someone who actually gives a F. It's terrible.
Know what you mean killed my first deer when I was 9. Hunting was the only thing my a**hole dad and I did together. The only bugs I kill are roaches. I've went as far to remove a spider out of a toilet. (clean water). When it comes to defense of family all bets are off. Rude, in your face people bother me more than bugs ever could.