
What are you doing right now??

Well, did you ever take your cat to the vets, had A/C on with inside air circulation, started to smell an odor, then realized that your cat decided to take a crap in her carrier, pulled over, cleaned out carrier, replaced the pee pad, clean up some tootsie rolls, what a trip……..😷😷
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Yeah, to walk into my vet its seems like its always $100 for checkup plus whatever else they find plus meds if they need it. I always feel violated when I leave the place.
bravecta flee preventive...77 buck for a 90 day dose

but i gladly pay as we have no flees, ticks etc and they can walk in the woods and ticks seem to know they are protected and choose me instead
yeah a hospital ER visit here is like always 10 hours or more, especially when you get there like about 8PM till 2 AM..

if it ain't short staffed, it's the drunks, drug addicts, gun shot, stabbing victims that take up valuable time

oh, heart attack patients get top priority, but got a kitchen knife cut that need stitches????

you're there till the next coming of christ.

hope you get better
i have found if i need an ER visit to wait until 6 am
if i am bleeding...well squeeze harder
6 am its empty here
I thoroughly enjoyed the Bears/Chiefs game last night. It's been many years since we had a decent team. The hard part will be cutting the roster. I plan to clean my cleaning bench today. I have my work cut out for me. Oh, I'm getting a hedge trimmer from Amazon today. I sold my last one when we moved, but the neighbor has trees that poke through the chain link fence. Last year I used hand trimmers and was a real pain.
getting ready to go and get my car, its new set of tires.
Maybe, just maybes, you may want to upgrade from your original car, to say, maybe a Buick ?
I’m sure finding tires these days is getting hard to do.
