
What are you doing right now??

67 degrees and slight breeze. Not a cloud in the sky.
Can actually sit on the patio and enjoy the weather. Far cry from 100+ last couple months.

Bummer part is wife and I are sick with the crud going around. So enjoyment involves not being able to breathe this fresh air, and a whole lot of medicine .
Coffee #2. Looking forward to a quiet "me" day. The house is clean (enough 😎 ), I'll do a load of laundry perhaps (the machines do the work anyway ;)), and I have a couple of guns to clean. I haven't heard anything about my parents from my sister in FL since midweek (which translates to "no news is good news"), so I should touch base, if she doesn't first.
Looking forward to a chill day.
Putting muzzle devices on AR's to fit Suppressors on.
We have fed the addiction!!!
Suppressors for everyone !!

Currently preparing Savory Chicken
recipe: Traders own
lean organic thighs -3packs
4 garlic cloves,
Desert Honey - tablespoons # to taste preference
Organic corn niblets # cups to match thighs
3 dashes of cilantro
tumeric and chili pepper to taste pref
organic apple juice to simmer with
butter and/or favorite simmer oil
(secret ingredients not even Po or his duck dads knows about)

turn down after 20 mins to simmer, cover with vented lid

serves 6-8


right now, my wife is cooking up some soup, and has brownies in the oven..we have the grand kids over, and they are in the kitchen licking the brownie mix bowl.......i am jealous

they also helped me nap earlier...i told them to teach me how to nap.

pretty darned good teachers too.