
What are you doing right now??

First night with a new pup went better than expected; kenneled up quietly, spent it well…well kennel her for the first few weeks until we know she’s good on her own at night.

She’s curled up on my feet while I drink coffee and catch the first couple episodes of S2 “Lioness”…View attachment 69229
Her coloring looks similar to my Beagle/Blue tick Maggie Marie.
The 350 legend is finished

Sitting on the carport with two huge bowls of candy in my lounger. No getting up and running to the door this year, not the way I feel. The bad news is, it looks like someone, bought too much candy again this year, no idea how we will get rid of it. Ohhh look a Baby Ruth...

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Just got my new Navy Fed Credit card. While washing the Buick monday I was informed that somebody charged $2500 at Walmart and Target .com. I said I don't shop at those stores. So, the card had to be cancelled and they Fedex'd me another one today.
Originally, I was supposed to go pheasant hunting today…but the new pup changed that.

Which is good, because it’s craptastic outside. Sleeting earlier, now just cold drizzle.

Normally, that would mean gun shops and libations…

Not today.
That craptastic stuff missed us. I heard about that front on the way home and I wondered if you got hit. This weekend it's supposed to be pretty wet up here...tis the season, I guess.

I am presently standing at the kitchen island, answering the doorbell and passing out candy. I have to stand because if I sit, I WILL fall asleep 🙂.