
What are you doing right now??

About to have dinner … made Elk Chili IMG_8698.jpeg
Just finished New Years Day dinner.

Appetizers - Crackers with smoked salmon & salmon/lobster dip.

Main meal

Stuffed salmon fillet
Roasted mini potatoes
Roasted root vegetables.

Waiting for that to settle before having Huckleberry pie for dessert.

After, a small glass of Port.
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Finishing off a Voodoo Ranger Juicy Haze IPA, watching FOX News. Gonna go to bed soon - 3:15AM is rather rude. The husband and I just had a discussion about the happening of the last 24 hours, and the role of situational awareness. We, as citizens, need to take a role of responsibility for keeping ourselves safe. The world is not what it was 20, 30, or 40 years ago. I could go on but...I just got the "look". Just tired of the blame game that both sides pull when something like this happens. Nite y'all.
Finishing off a Voodoo Ranger Juicy Haze IPA, watching FOX News. Gonna go to bed soon - 3:15AM is rather rude. The husband and I just had a discussion about the happening of the last 24 hours, and the role of situational awareness. We, as citizens, need to take a role of responsibility for keeping ourselves safe. The world is not what it was 20, 30, or 40 years ago. I could go on but...I just got the "look". Just tired of the blame game that both sides pull when something like this happens. Nite y'all.

Every time we step out of a door we should do a X-axis 180 deg. scan and assessment.

When further out do a 270 & then 360 as space allows and as needed, plus now with drones, a Y/Z-axis up/across scan.

Head on a swivel nowadays.

Also, listen for any change in typical noises.
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Every time we step out of a door we should do a X-axis 180 deg. scan and assessment.

When further out do a 270 & then 360 as space allows and as needed, plus now with drones, a Y/Z-axis up/across scan.

Head on a swivel nowadays.

Also, listen for any change in typical noises.
My head is always on a swivel. Always (when I am not in my house). I am always aware of what is around and above me. Even in my back yard at the fire pit...
Good Morning All, I'd love your insight on an issue about a swivel leg strap for holster re sitting in wheelchair. Arbor Arms has a swivel-push button off leg strap attachment. It is shown with a special attachment piece but can I mount to this holster hole? Love the looks of the Swive-Lock as I can wear pants & strap or a dress and snap off bottom of attachment. Have watched many videos re how much a strap helps a smooth draw and sitting it would really help. What are your thoughts of attaching with the cloth piece to Eclipse 2.0 hole? Thanks for always taking time for me. Blessings. Hope add on gives a chuckle.
Good Morning All, I'd love your insight on an issue about a swivel leg strap for holster re sitting in wheelchair. Arbor Arms has a swivel-push button off leg strap attachment. It is shown with a special attachment piece but can I mount to this holster hole? Love the looks of the Swive-Lock as I can wear pants & strap or a dress and snap off bottom of attachment. Have watched many videos re how much a strap helps a smooth draw and sitting it would really help. What are your thoughts of attaching with the cloth piece to Eclipse 2.0 hole? Thanks for always taking time for me. Blessings. Hope add on gives a chuckle.
Good Morning All, I'd love your insight on an issue about a swivel leg strap for holster re sitting in wheelchair. Arbor Arms has a swivel-push button off leg strap attachment. It is shown with a special attachment piece but can I mount to this holster hole? Love the looks of the Swive-Lock as I can wear pants & strap or a dress and snap off bottom of attachment. Have watched many videos re how much a strap helps a smooth draw and sitting it would really help. What are your thoughts of attaching with the cloth piece to Eclipse 2.0 hole? Thanks for always taking time for me. Blessings. Hope add on gives a chuckle.
Guess I'm down to small paper clip or key ring to attach strap. Maybe I'll try finding holster builder sites for info on attaching strap. Holster hole unable to be measures. Don't know if leg strap will help from that attachment site.
In my world, people use Chicago screws to attach things. If it needs to be quick on and off (separated frequently), then I don't know why a snap wouldn't work. If a hole on your holster isn't big enough, surely it could be enlarged or a piece could be forced through it. Leather suppliers like Tandy should have multiple types of fastener pieces.
Got off the phone trying to schedule a radiation scan. I wish the people on the other end were fluent English speakers. I don't hear well as it is and if speech isn't clear and distinct, I have a hard time following along. Mumblers, soft speakers and/or heavily accented folks drive me nuts.