
What are you doing right now??

Got off the phone trying to schedule a radiation scan. I wish the people on the other end were fluent English speakers. I don't hear well as it is and if speech isn't clear and distinct, I have a hard time following along. Mumblers, soft speakers and/or heavily accented folks drive me nuts.
Yes, it's beginning with me, also. Nothing problematic as yet. Currently, my biggest grievance is tinnitus; twenty percent occupational, the remainder from being onstage masquerading as a rock star. Oh well; that was still the most fun I've ever had with my britches on!
Too many years in the Infantry and the oilfield.
From 4 decades of standing in front of massive bass amplifiers. Really I blame guitar players for not understanding basic EQ. They get in my lane and when they can’t hear themselves they turn the volume knob up. Dude, what sounds good in your mom’s basement by yourself is not going to work on the stage with a band. My last guitard, er, I mean guitarist, I EQ’ed his amp for him and then took all the F’in knobs off it. Problem solved.

Well, that and when I started we knew nothing about ear pro and IEMs hadn’t been invented. And by the time they were I already had 6 grand worth of wedges.
THANK you everyone for the power of positive thoughts
DAD was released and came home today,
brain swelling went down enough he is actually MELLO again and smiling
now to keep him from boppping his noggin again
mom wants to put rubber buggy bumpers on everything
the MMA procedure really did a number the other day on his mental status and acuity
great to have the calm one back home
THANK you everyone for the power of positive thoughts
DAD was released and came home today,
brain swelling went down enough he is actually MELLO again and smiling
now to keep him from boppping his noggin again
mom wants to put rubber buggy bumpers on everything
the MMA procedure really did a number the other day on his mental status and acuity
great to have the calm one back home
Good news!
No. It's dirty pool, a cardinal no-no to monkey about with a fellow musician's gear like that.
Guitarist eh ? Well, that's why most live sound engineers ( which I made more money whoring myself out as) are bass players.

And for the record, every band I have ever been in except one was MY band. And the band in question, my last band, was absolutely my band. And my two bandmates deferred to me. Know why ? Because we were good, we sounded great and we got paid. And all the gear except the drum kit and my guitarist's ( who is also my best friend) amp and guitars was mine. See my guitarist was very good. He was also the singer. Dude could play and sing RATM ( any of it) at the same time and do it well. Problem is he is also a stoner. And like most guitarists he thought the way his rig sounds when he's by himself translates to good sound with a band, in a bar. And the knob incident became irrelevant when I started putting everything into the FOH. I often mixed from the stage and I would go out front every so often or put another guy I know and trust out front to tell me what needed to happen. It really only took for my guitar player to go out front and hear what he sounded like a few times before he figured out I know WTF I'm doing. We sounded better with me mixing from the stage than most bands did with a guy on the board out front. And most of the time that includes when I paid someone to run my PA rig from out front. And yes, it was a major inconvenience for me.

Generally I had a 57 on Jason's Marshall and a Senn 865 for his vocal mic, a Senn 421 on my Ampeg SVT/810cl and a Reddi ( DI) straight to the board from my amp and a 58 for a vocal mic and 13 mics on Dave's extremely large drum kit. 2 Snares, 2 Floor toms, two kicks, rack toms, rotos, 2 hats, etc. Ever close mic a drum kit on stage in a bar with 13 mics ? I did it all the time. And every band in town wanted me running their sound.

3 piece hard rock/alt band. Think Deftones, STP, Rage, AIC, Nirvana, Offspring.
This was my B rig. For really, small rooms and tight spaces. The board ( in this case an A&H Mixwiz 16) is just out of the picture on the left side. Count the mics. :)


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