
What are you doing right now??

Pondering the fact that recent statistics show that Four in five U.S. adults (79 percent) have English literacy skills sufficient to complete tasks that require comparing and contrasting information, paraphrasing, or making low-level inferences.
In contrast, one in five U.S. adults (21 percent) has difficulty completing these tasks. This translates into 43.0 million U.S. adults who possess low literacy skills. 26.5 million are at very low and 8.4 million below very low.

Wow !!!

I bet Washington DC is the majoeity of the 8.4 million😉

Also means 1 in 5 walk among us 😱😳🧐
As an investigator I was always astounded at the number of people who could not write a coherent statement. I think it is an indictment of the public school system, and in many cases a cultural failure to attend to childrens' education. Plus the dumba$$ gene is prolific.
Way back we had a big storm in Illinois, people would leave their cars and the snowplows would knock them in the ditch.
I worked with a guy (maybe 19) who couldn't read. He also had a wife and child. I was at a loss for words.
Supposed to be a high of 62 today and 44 tomorrow. Snow warning Wednesday for 9 hours. Shiver me timbers!
I'll take the snow over Hurricanes, humidity, chiggers & multiple other biting insects, Burmese pythons, fire ants, alligators and illegals washing up on shore any day.

I'm hoping for a good old fashioned hard & snowy winter to encourage the folks that have invaded here to leave.

My .02
down here you trade away all of that goodness (snow, ice, blizzards, mosquitos, black flies, horse flies, floods, tornados, hurricanes) for the local challenges - scorpions, tarantulas, rattlers, bobcats, intense heat most of the year, and in the high country - a few bears, cougars. A fair trade I'd say. ;)
How long is reasonable for a gun to ship? I ordered one on Jan. 1st and yesterday I sent an email to them asking about it. No response, so I sent another email today asking about it. I've waited a couple of weeks for one when they told me before purchase it would take longer than normal. I'm ok with that. This is a new online store for me and they said they had it in stock. According to their website, it's still in stock.
Whadaya say?