
What are you doing right now??


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Got called away from the taxes due to my wife locking herself out of the truck. After texting a friend, I called a locksmith. They wanted $186. F that. I would have ridden my bicycle across town for that money. Luckily a friend came to the rescue. Spent a little more time on the taxes. So far, we owe the Fed $486 and the State owes us $989. I know the idea is to have a wash, but I with we'd get back more. Oh well.
Gotta give my son an atta boy! He helped me with the oil and fuel filter changes on my truck and replaced the worn and faded TX flag for me. And also re-hung my Marine Corps flag. I've found out that after total knee replacement surgery climbing ladders and crawling around under trucks is now a no go for me. He also became reacquainted with a lot of "daddy no-no words". The commercial diver part of me came out of me when trying to deal with some stubborn mechanical issues. For those that don't know otherwise, the former Infantryman language in me could be compared to a choir boy as opposed to the commercial diver side of me. Commercial deep-sea divers are the lowest scum of the Earth compared to Infantrymen. Just saying. lol 
Just got back from my vets, had to leave Cassie over night, she got constipated from hair balls, they did all kinds of tests and X-rays to make sure all was ok, gave her an enema, but she wasn’t awake from being sedated and vet asked if we could leave her for the night, she doesn’t like to send them home till there fully awake and responsive, I’ll bring her home tomorrow, going to try a more fiber diet and they mentioned to give her a very small amount of Miralax.