
What are you doing right now??


After my morning workout I installed the new sights on my FPC. As soon as I finish this cup of coffee I'll take it out and see if it shoots straighter. ;)


Thank you for your indulgence,

Sorry if some of yall dont care to see random pics from a random dude... I travel extensively and take photos everywhere I go just as a hobby. I am obviously no pro but I shoot a crapton of pics.

Here is one I thought was neat, I tied a GoPro to fishing line and dropped it over a bridge in Florida. I remotely triggered Burst shots and in about 1000 pics I got this one.
Sorry if some of yall dont care to see random pics from a random dude... I travel extensively and take photos everywhere I go just as a hobby. I am obviously no pro but I shoot a crapton of pics.

Here is one I thought was neat, I tied a GoPro to fishing line and dropped it over a bridge in Florida. I remotely triggered Burst shots and in about 1000 pics I got this one.
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That's pretty awesome looking.
Been up since 2am. On my second pot of coffee. Insomnia sure sucks. Home Depot run this morning for a couple of things, then after lunch a trip to the gun store I've never been to before. Now the wife wants to go along on that trip. I'll have to find a way to distract her from the price part of buying any firearms! lol