
What are you doing right now??

I'm guessing our winds were 50-60mph with rain. Luckily our vehicles weren't damaged and like you they are very clean.
A little off subject I remember a lightening storm in the Ah Shau Valley in 69. The entire sky was full of strikes all around us. To say it was unnerving would be an understatement as I was in a 52 ton tank. None of our tanks were struck, close to a miracle.
A little off subject I remember a lightening storm in the Ah Shau Valley in 69. The entire sky was full of strikes all around us. To say it was unnerving would be an understatement as I was in a 52 ton tank. None of our tanks were struck, close to a miracle.
I know nothing about armored except what Ive seen in the movies...would a direct lightning strike on a tank fry its occupants? I know lightning hitting an airplane is not always damaging...same with cars...but a tank? Thanks for your service.
well, it's dark outside.....gonna start raining soon.


i just finished doing ammo inventory, and found a few numbers off.

good thing i only have 22lr, 9mm, 38 special, 45 ACP and 45 Colt lc to keep track of

including reloads to some calibers above.

not off by much, maybe 100 rounds for at least 2 calibers.

happens as i forget to mark off on the pad what i take, especially if i take 1 box extra.

i gotta start reloading soon. especially that 45 ACP, more so than the 9mm or 38 specials

god knows i got all i need for that.

i have plenty of 45 Colt LC brass, and 38 special on hand, but MORE 45 ACP and 9MM than i know what to do with.

then i also installed the screen on the porch door.

and i poured some ZEP drain clearer upper in the sinks, for preventative maintenance on these old pipes.
Sitting at work waiting for the tornado watch to end and hoping it'll actually rain for a change. Come on tropics, wind up and give us some storms for real.
Duly elected SA Fanboy-in-Chief

It's grey and raining out...good day to stay in my jammies. I am laying here feeling semi-dead. Up most of last night coughing my lungs out, but I feel a little better than I did at work yesterday because at least my voice has returned and my throat is no longer on fire. It's the little things, right? :cool:
We just got bad news from my Wife's dermatologist. She had 6 small red patches removed from her arms and legs. They sent samples off to be tested, all came back as Basal Cell Carcinoma cancer. She begins surgery next week to go deeper to hopefully completely remove all the cancerous cells. They say this surgery has a 90% chance of a full recovery. They also added she may have to undergo some radiation. My sweet little wife beat breast cancer and has been in remission for several years with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. Please put her in your prayers.