
What are you doing right now??

Watching paint dry…
Well, not really but feels like it.
Wife and daughter are “organizing”, prepping and sorting what they want me to start boxing up for the move from her apt. Holy crap, I could have boxed up the whole kitchen in the time it is taking them to “sort”… WTF.. thank god we have a movers arriving window for them to meet the deadline or we’d be here till doomsday..😩😩😩😬😬😬🙄🙄🙄
Watching paint dry…
Well, not really but feels like it.
Wife and daughter are “organizing”, prepping and sorting what they want me to start boxing up for the move from her apt. Holy crap, I could have boxed up the whole kitchen in the time it is taking them to “sort”… WTF.. thank god we have a movers arriving window for them to meet the deadline or we’d be here till doomsday..😩😩😩😬😬😬🙄🙄🙄
don't you know it's the man's JOB to sit, keep quiet and take out the wallet..???

like everything else the woman folk do........we have NO say, we just PAY...!!!!!!!

on her wedding day..??

man, you had better stay 500 feet back..!!!!
Despite my lower back killing me and my slight hangover from martini night last night, I decided that since I took the weekend off for a change I'd better get at least one thing done around here before the list get's unmanageable. So I built a temporary support wall, built a header and framed in a window next door, removed siding and cut the hole in the wall, installed and insulated the window then re-installed the siding. It looks like it's always been there. One window left on the opposing wall, but it's going where a smaller window is currently and I won't need to build another header or a temporary support wall so I should be able to knock that one out quickly. Then I should be done with doors and windows over there. Unless the wife decides she wants more somewhere else.
Despite my lower back killing me and my slight hangover from martini night last night, I decided that since I took the weekend off for a change I'd better get at least one thing done around here before the list get's unmanageable. So I built a temporary support wall, built a header and framed in a window next door, removed siding and cut the hole in the wall, installed and insulated the window then re-installed the siding. It looks like it's always been there. One window left on the opposing wall, but it's going where a smaller window is currently and I won't need to build another header or a temporary support wall so I should be able to knock that one out quickly. Then I should be done with doors and windows over there. Unless the wife decides she wants more somewhere else.
Those Honey Do's can get serious. I think Confucius said man who argues in day, gets no piece at night.
Mister belladonna and I are checking out a brewery in Walker, Mn. They offer very interesting brews…

Dang, 1 bedroom apt
Women still are not finished
I’ve been watching them for 2 hrs just shuffle crap around .. they are working on the bathroom and closet ..
box this 💩 up and go already.. we should have been done hours ago.. bet they are packing till 1am …
Im on the patio having a drink
All thats left is the “woman crap” they wont let me box up .. so here I sit

Rise and shine, and give God the glory! Children of the Lord!

I'm up early getting ready to make a joyful noise on the worship team at church. It's our Mothers Day program with a special song for Mom. Be blessed!

Thank you for your indulgence,

well, the kids invited us over for mothers day dinner, so i have a few hours left before the noise factory starts up.

i may go outside and spread blood & bone meal in the garden, maybe plant the veggies right after, and set up the anti-squirrel defensive forks.

i wanted to wash the car too, but chances of "sprinkles" the weatherman said could happen.

i'd rather have sprinkles in the garden, than on my shiny clean car, and leave spots.

then maybe a nap.....gotta charge up my battery for the slew of papa lap sitting