
What are you doing right now??

Started cleaning off the loading bench. The wife came out later and I put her to work pulling some bullets. After the bench got cleared up, I reloaded some more shotgun as the next few weeks are gonna be busy. I also mounted my Lyman turret press on my cleaning bench and ran some .45 ACP through my bulge buster die. Momma put them through the case checker and put them in an ammo can. Went inside and had a late lunch.
i gave it some thought, about what you were going to do....use the Lee Bulge Buster...

but then, i read the instructions about the die, and read this too:

If you are using Lee carbide reloading dies, you likely will need to process cases during the first reloading only. Lee sizing dies have a special contour grind that usually prevents the objectionable base bulge that commonly occur on ordinary carbide dies.

as it is, all my dies, with the exception of the Dillon crimping die on the Dillon press for the 45 ACP, are Lee dies.

for the "mere price" of under $20, that Bulge Buster, might still be good to have on hand
i gave it some thought, about what you were going to do....use the Lee Bulge Buster...

but then, i read the instructions about the die, and read this too:

as it is, all my dies, with the exception of the Dillon crimping die on the Dillon press for the 45 ACP, are Lee dies.

for the "mere price" of under $20, that Bulge Buster, might still be good to have on hand
I have a large quantity of brass, half was new and half I picked up used. I learned first that I needed to check finished rounds, then I learned that I need to check rounds with a case gauge instead of the "plunk" test using a barrel. This is new to me, but I never shot this much .45 ACP until recently. I would much prefer not to do it, but nothing is more annoying while on the clock than dealing with bad ammo. Cheap insurance for a more harmonious outcome.
I have a large quantity of brass, half was new and half I picked up used. I learned first that I needed to check finished rounds, then I learned that I need to check rounds with a case gauge instead of the "plunk" test using a barrel. This is new to me, but I never shot this much .45 ACP until recently. I would much prefer not to do it, but nothing is more annoying while on the clock than dealing with bad ammo. Cheap insurance for a more harmonious outcome.
well one day at my club, a member, a certified smith for decades, was there, testing a gun he worked on.

he said 45 ammo can be "iffy" when it is range pick up....

until we pick up brass shot out from a Glock, which has an unsupported chamber, we won't know it, until we go to reload it and plunk it..

according to what i posted from the Lee bulge buster, the Lee carbide dies, which i use, takes care of that bulge.

but for me, and my "Tim the toolman Taylor" innerself, i like my tool boxes full of gadgets and gizmos, and for me, to have that Lee Bulge Buster on hand, can go easily on either my Lee of Lyman single stage press.

it would be no issue to run the coffee cans full of 45 brass "just to ensure" any range brass i pick up, shot from a Glock will be reworked.

i personally use the Lyman case gauge tool for all my calibers....and also rarely just use a barrel

right now, since i use the Lee resizer/deprimer die, it looks like i should be good to go.......and would not hurt to have that Lee Bulge Buster on hand all the same.

what is your deprimer/resizer die brand..????
dropped off at 7:25 AM, at the police dept, my ccw renewal application.

i had to go that early, cuz unlike where some of you live, here, the PD is "downtown", and no free parking, or a long walk to the PD station...and its "only" 20 degree's and breezy out......no thank you for the walking.

so i parked near the entrance, clearly marked....."No Parking, Tow Away Zone"

but at that time, maybe the tow operators are still sleeping..???

but a rather quick in, walk thru the metal detector, drop off at desk, walk out......

took 37 days to get my first ccw, and that was at the middle of the scandemic.....
well one day at my club, a member, a certified smith for decades, was there, testing a gun he worked on.

he said 45 ammo can be "iffy" when it is range pick up....

until we pick up brass shot out from a Glock, which has an unsupported chamber, we won't know it, until we go to reload it and plunk it..

according to what i posted from the Lee bulge buster, the Lee carbide dies, which i use, takes care of that bulge.

but for me, and my "Tim the toolman Taylor" innerself, i like my tool boxes full of gadgets and gizmos, and for me, to have that Lee Bulge Buster on hand, can go easily on either my Lee of Lyman single stage press.

it would be no issue to run the coffee cans full of 45 brass "just to ensure" any range brass i pick up, shot from a Glock will be reworked.

i personally use the Lyman case gauge tool for all my calibers....and also rarely just use a barrel

right now, since i use the Lee resizer/deprimer die, it looks like i should be good to go.......and would not hurt to have that Lee Bulge Buster on hand all the same.

what is your deprimer/resizer die brand..????
I use Lee dies for everything. I think you also need to use another crimp die in addition to the bulge buster.
I use Lee dies for everything. I think you also need to use another crimp die in addition to the bulge buster.
yes, since i use the DIllon crimp die (a much better die for the DIllon press), i have the Lee crimp die available...i also just now, ordered thru Lee rather than MidwayUSA (savings of 1 whole dollar), that bulge buster kit....

i need to shop around, so we can afford the $35,897.22 priced eggs next week....

correction, i actually bought the kit from Titan, i may have been re-directed..??
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i just took out of the oven, Jimmy Dean thick sliced bacon...damn, that company cuts them slices in a funky way too.

the small package of 12 oz...was on sale last week.

wife just said to me....."what more bacon, what about your arteries"?

i said, "my arteries can get thier own bacon".

i don't like her "side eye" looks
12 with a wind chill of -4 and snow flurries here in DFW. 😱🥶
@belladonna, you can take back your old man winter dude now and put him back to bed 😉🙂

Side note, they are calling for mid’70s in temp next week 🤠
It was -16 this morning. We’re supposed to climb out of the freezer by the end of the week. Then we should be in the balmy 30s.
Your temperature swings are a little psychotic though, I must say…😎