i had to take a break..i am running the 45 ACP brass thru the Lee Bulge Buster die, and the number 1 brass that is VERY DIFFICULT to run thru is the S&B......
so, what i am doing is reading the headstamps, and chucking away all the S&B that i can, for the recycling yard...i do not need this BS of cranking on the Lyman handle to make those S&B's run thru it.
any S&B brass (and that is quite a few) will stay in the "to be reloaded" tin can...but if in the future THOSE do the same again..??
"CHUCK AWAY"........!!!!!!
i am "suspecting" the rim area is a wee bit larger to not fit into the die..???? as that is the part sticking out the tiniest bit
ok, now back to the basement.....
so, what i am doing is reading the headstamps, and chucking away all the S&B that i can, for the recycling yard...i do not need this BS of cranking on the Lyman handle to make those S&B's run thru it.
any S&B brass (and that is quite a few) will stay in the "to be reloaded" tin can...but if in the future THOSE do the same again..??
"CHUCK AWAY"........!!!!!!
i am "suspecting" the rim area is a wee bit larger to not fit into the die..???? as that is the part sticking out the tiniest bit
ok, now back to the basement.....