
What are you doing right now??

Its because they are mad you give pigtails all the attention 😁
I’m actually mad because the work I have always done is being outsourced to contractors, some who are non union, while actual employees are relegated to pigtails and meters. So why am I in a union again?

Pigtails is a lot of hand digging.

Meters are more boring than standing there with a stop/slow sign directing traffic all day. I would rather hand dig than direct traffic. Everyone always acts like it’s some gravy job. It’s not. It sucks.
Stupid F’ing meters.

The husky and I got back from Homedepot. She likes to go and get attention from everybody plus she is well behaved. If she was a wild one she would stay at home. Picked up more ant killer-different brand this time. Seems like the ants are going crazy outside before the fall comes. Didn't see one all summer long!
Oh, you have a Linux cell phone?
Which name version of Linux is it?
How do you like it?
Well idk the op sys on my android phone, my other phone is an apple phone. for linux os pcs, I have had several over the years both at home and at work - usually a flavor of RH or SUSE as the UBUNTU one had issues with compatibility. My pcs are now winblows, per Mrs Trader's preferences.🐧
I finally after 10 years got rid of Window 10, 64bit and now have Linux 64bit on my mini PC.
While my Linux version has a small learning curve, I am able to delete anything I do not want and configure the complete OS to how I prefer.
I did not want to upgrade to Windows 11, 64bit with all it's inherent windows issues and serious bugs.
i had tried a "few" Linux distros, and each one was a PITA....

i cannot recall all of them, except Mandrake Red Hat, being one..???
Just finished my nuclear dinner, and now sipping an IPA. It's only 6:30PM CST and I am nearly ready for bed. How pathetic is that? Might have something to do with the fact that I felt like a shot of tequila once I had a look at the increase in my natural gas bill.... It has gone up from $65.81 to $131.00 in the span of a month. I just love those kicks in the gut after a 10 hour shift and a 45 minute commute.
Ah well, it's only money. I can't take it with me to the other side so I might as well pay to live. Here's to another day above the dirt! 😎