
What are you doing right now??

Try as I might, I can't seem to keep my eyes open much past 8PM...and the brain starts shutting down when I pull the vehicle into the garage. 😒 Anyway...talked to my sister and my dad and stepmom are fine, but with no power. They have hospice help looking in on them, so I feel better about that. We still don't know how my brother's house held up. I am guessing I will find out sometime today.

I had a chiropractor appointment after work yesterday. After he did the adjustment, they snuck in a decompression session, and this morning my body feels like it went through that wringer washer thing again. I'm almost done my second cuppa, and after sleeping for nearly 12 hours (an anomaly which has happened twice now in the past month) I'm sitting on a heating pad cranked up to high and things are starting to settle down. Sigh...getting old sucks big time.:(

I want to get to the range today but, we'll see. I have a lot I need to do around here first. Happy Friday y'all. @Bassbob , I don't do your job, but I think I feel your pain...
Try as I might, I can't seem to keep my eyes open much past 8PM...and the brain starts shutting down when I pull the vehicle into the garage. 😒 Anyway...talked to my sister and my dad and stepmom are fine, but with no power. They have hospice help looking in on them, so I feel better about that. We still don't know how my brother's house held up. I am guessing I will find out sometime today.

I had a chiropractor appointment after work yesterday. After he did the adjustment, they snuck in a decompression session, and this morning my body feels like it went through that wringer washer thing again. I'm almost done my second cuppa, and after sleeping for nearly 12 hours (an anomaly which has happened twice now in the past month) I'm sitting on a heating pad cranked up to high and things are starting to settle down. Sigh...getting old sucks big time.:(

I want to get to the range today but, we'll see. I have a lot I need to do around here first. Happy Friday y'all. @Bassbob , I don't do your job, but I think I feel your pain...
I’m sure a lot of us “ mature” people do. 🤣🤣
Bella get your blood checked. Maybe you are low in B12. I know I was always tired and when checked I was low. Take a shot once a month and have all the energy I need.
Never thought that it might be my blood. I am way overdue for what they refer to a wellness check (the good old fashioned physical, what we used to call it). I don't take any prescription meds, and I feel healthy but for the exhaustion. I just like to blame it on my job ;). I'll look into it.
Just being lazy around the house. Yesterday was the last day of mandatory 7 day 10-hour workdays at work. I have my total knee replacement surgery next week, so basically, I'm off for the rest of the year. Good thing I have a ton of saved up sick leave. I was wanting to go to the range this morning to bust a few rounds out of the new S&W Governor, but the range will only allow buckshot and slugs for the indoor pistol range. All I could find locally was small game loads. I might go out to my mother-in-law's place tomorrow to shoot it. She has a Taurus Judge, so maybe we can have a shoot off between the two. She has enough property out in the country that shooting firearms is not a problem.
Just being lazy around the house. Yesterday was the last day of mandatory 7 day 10-hour workdays at work. I have my total knee replacement surgery next week, so basically, I'm off for the rest of the year. Good thing I have a ton of saved up sick leave. I was wanting to go to the range this morning to bust a few rounds out of the new S&W Governor, but the range will only allow buckshot and slugs for the indoor pistol range. All I could find locally was small game loads. I might go out to my mother-in-law's place tomorrow to shoot it. She has a Taurus Judge, so maybe we can have a shoot off between the two. She has enough property out in the country that shooting firearms is not a problem.
I sure do miss living in the country. Grew up in the country and lived in the country all my life until 2004 when our house burned to the ground. We moved to town till we could get our feet back under us and then the following year I became disabled.

I have always enjoyed being able to walk out into the back yard and shoot away anytime I wanted. I guess I could still do it but I have a feeling the local police people would want to chat with me. 😄
I sure do miss living in the country. Grew up in the country and lived in the country all my life until 2004 when our house burned to the ground. We moved to town till we could get our feet back under us and then the following year I became disabled.

I have always enjoyed being able to walk out into the back yard and shoot away anytime I wanted. I guess I could still do it but I have a feeling the local police people would want to chat with me. 😄
Don't get me wrong, but I do live out in the country, and we love it. But I only have a few acres. I don't really have a safe way to have a backstop on my property to have my own shooting range. A few of my neighbors do, but they have more property than me. People shoot around here all the time. A large ranch across the road from me has their own rifle range, and I always hear fully automatic weapons fire when they let the College ROTC units come out for weapons training fire. Some federal agencies also come out there to shoot too.
This is what I’m doing right now…