
What are you doing right now??

Going to see doctor over my MRI that was done on my back, read the report already, compression fracture, budged disc, several herniated discs. Going to see what they say and if they are going to refer me to an orthopedic surgeon, definitely not going to rush into anything yet.
Man, I hope they can do something for you to set that straight. There’s not much worse than that kind of back pain.
Going to see doctor over my MRI that was done on my back, read the report already, compression fracture, budged disc, several herniated discs. Going to see what they say and if they are going to refer me to a orthopedic surgeon, definitely not going to rush into anything yet.
well, after my 4 back operations, i can attest to pain, discomfort, numbness.

my surgeon(s) one in early 2000, the other one in 2014, 2015, and 2017 were neurosurgeons.

physical therapy from a numbnuts workman's comp doctor (who owned the clinic) made me wanna strangle him.....

those doctors are for the company, never the employee.

"get back to work in a frigging hurry" is thier mantra.

personally, i'd trust a neurosurgeon over an orthopedic any day of the week, and 7 times on a sunday.

that's just me, in what they specialize in.

good luck, many changes in recovery since even as close back to 2017...(ie, no bracing, molded body plates)
How did this happen!
My back has been bad for about 20 years after I injured it at work back in the 90's, when I had my 3 month scans, the tech saw that I might have a compression fracture, so my oncologist ordered a MRI of my spine to confirm it, glad she went forth and checked on it even though this has nothing to do with my other issue, she is a very thorough doctor. No ideal how I got the fracture though, unless the 4 failed attempts to give me a epidermal before my surgery, the fifth time hurt like a mother and felt very funny, since then my back has never been the same, but you got me
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My back has been bad for about 20 years after I injured it at work back in the 90's, when I had my 3 month scans, the tech saw that I might have a compression fracture, so my oncologist ordered a MRI of my spine to confirm it, glad she went forth and checked on it even though this has nothing to do with my other issue, she is a very thorough doctor. No ideal how I got the fracture though, unless the 4 failed attempts to give me a epidermal before my surgery, the fifth time hurt like a mother and felt very funny, since then my back has never been the same, but you got me
you ever done sports as a kid in H.S....????

or sports in general like just hanging with your buddies..???

ever been in a motor vehicle accident..??

some people develop osteoporosis for any number of reasons, as well.
you ever done sports as a kid in H.S....????

or sports in general like just hanging with your buddies..???

ever been in a motor vehicle accident..??

some people develop osteoporosis for any number of reasons, as well.
Well I did have a bad atv accident years ago, bruised my ribs and kidneys, plus got a stinger in right shoulder, no sports, doctor is going to refer me to a neurosurgeon just to be safe.
Well I did have a bad atv accident years ago, bruised my ribs and kidneys, plus got a stinger in right shoulder, no sports, doctor is going to refer me to a neurosurgeon just to be safe.
i had a motorbike accident, went clear over the handle bars, cracked 4 ribs...landed on my hip.....but the several MRI's i had as well as several CT scans, (for my back injury), nothing showed up regarding a compression fracture like you.

it is how one lands, either angle, height of fall, force, etc....

i had fallen a few times in my life, either going down a flight of stairs, or off a loading dock, or a slip and fall in a garage on slippery floors.

anything is possible, the nearly impossible is..."how and when did it happen"....

but for me, i had a choice of surgeons/specialists to go to from workman's comp.....i was told if it IS a back issue, a neurosurgeon is best working near the spinal cord, and those "angel hair nerves"

an orthopedic surgeon is best for knee and shoulder surgeries.

that's what i was told, and the direction i went.

for me, when the disc was removed, the doctor out cadaver bone in it's place, then of course the rods, screws, bolts, to hold it..the "fusion" is when the bones "fuse (grow) together"...

your doctor may remove a portion of the fractured bone, and place a donated bone, or maybe the whole bone, and rod/screw/nut and bolt you.......the only pain you will feel, is the incision and either your skin pulling against the stitches or staples....Tylenol 3 is all i took most times......oxy's, and naproxen, were for getting sleep

its "his call" in how to go about it, and like your other operation(s), having faith in what they do is paramount to success.

i told my first surgeon back in spring of 2000, "you know what you're doing, let's get this shite done"

he looked at me with surprise, i was gung-ho for the operation

hell yeah man........MORPHINE.......was coming my way soon.........!!!!!!!!

my only time as a trucker to be LEGALLY ON DRUGS.......!!!!!!!!!!!
i had a motorbike accident, went clear over the handle bars, cracked 4 ribs...landed on my hip.....but the several MRI's i had as well as several CT scans, (for my back injury), nothing showed up regarding a compression fracture like you.

it is how one lands, either angle, height of fall, force, etc....

i had fallen a few times in my life, either going down a flight of stairs, or off a loading dock, or a slip and fall in a garage on slippery floors.

anything is possible, the nearly impossible is..."how and when did it happen"....
Almost anyone who rides has had a motorbike accident. After a few - you get real careful or you stop riding.
Coffee #1 done. Only an 8 hour shift today (8 hours feels like a half day in my line of work :) ). I have a bunch of errands to take care of after, but that's okay. It's supposed to rain and I'm kind of excited about that. Pathetic, I know, but the wind had been brutal the last couple of day and the dust has been so thick in the air that even people without allergies are irritated by it. Happy Friday, y'all! :cool:
Coffee. Breakfast bar in the kitchen. Got a doctor appointment at 11:15 I forgot about until last night so it's day 11 of 11 I suppose. And a Friday to boot. After that I'll head up to town and hit Academy Sports for some ammo, then over to my sister's to clean her gutters and then to my parent's to clean their gutters.
got my cars washed as well, after nearly 2 months of not doing it.

cold morning, but both had to get done.

then i had my chimney inspected to keep the warranty in force.

we do not burn wood, but it has a stainless steel liner as per code for gas heaters.

then got some grocery shopping done

now, having a cup of hot tea