
What have you bought firearms related in the last 48 hours?

Currently playing the Add to cart, Remove from cart game with
Surefire X300 Turbo.
Update, hit procede to checkout, entered coupon code LDAY and got a decent deal. Free shipping to boot. If you see it cheaper somewhere don't tell me.


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Now how come I couldn't find that? My addled brain... 😒
Here’s the same item from CDNN Sports. I’ve done business with them before and was about to buy a HK SP5K from them when my LGS 2 year order of same came in. CDNN had it $300 cheaper, but I felt obligated to honor my commitment to my LGS. It looks like it’s somewhat cheaper price here than at the HK store.

I looked at a gazillion 1911's both online and locally. Just couldn't find one that talked to me. I must be blind, stupid or just both. On the bright side I almost purchased a Echolon but really have no use for it. Maybe i'll get something nice for the Buick!
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