
What have you bought firearms related in the last 48 hours?

I looked at a gazillion 1911's both online and locally. Just couldn't find one that talked to me. I must be blind, stupid or just both. On the bright side I almost purchased a Echolon but really have no use for it. Maybe i'll get something nice for the Buick!
Thanks guys, for helping me find that slide. Y'all realize that you are enablers now?? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Gun day is fun day !!

Note: doesnt say Springfield anymore??
HS produkt
Or did it ever say Springfield ??
Says Springfield Armory on the other side of the slide, right beside the serial number ;). I would have taken a shot of that side, but I am somewhat technologically illiterate :unsure: and I don't know how to black stuff out, lol. They even sent the little test target.