Never considered an assortment of EDC's, but back when I began carrying I think it was with an early mod 60, 38spl. Had it on hand with the advent of getting the permit. Then sometime later found a good deal on a new KelTec PF9, and being a long time KelTec fan, I bought it and replaced the mod 60 J frame with it. Then a few years ago when the Hellcat came out, I was amused/amazed at the capacity it provided for it's size. Went to the range and tried one, liked it and bought it. After a good break in period with sever types of ammo, and a developing a considerable faith in it, I replaced the PF9 with it. The Hellcat was only a tad larger than the PF9 but gave me another 50% capacity. And I really liked that since I have fairly small hands'.
I added a Shield SMRc red dot, found a south paw OWB holster I liked, and replaced the PF9 with the Hellcat. Since then I've not found a reason to alternate my EDC. When I carry which is virtually every time I leave the house, it's my Hellcat. Each weekend while at home I'll give it a good once over, unload the mag I've been using during that previous week just to give the spring a little rest, load another mag and use it the coming week. I rarely leave a mag stacked for more than a week at a time. And have rarely ever carried more than the mag in the pistol.
Always kind of figured if I haven't resolved the issue in the first 8-10 rnds, I'm probably going to lose that gun fight anyway. And if I'm aware of being short on ammo, my best effort will be to leave the area at a very fast pace if at all possible. And I never learned to shoot over my shoulder at a dead run anyway. KNOCK ON WOOD ... and hope it never comes to that! jj