
When it comes down to it, what is your "go to" EDC?

Places that primarily serve alcohol are prohibited places as well in Florida.
I haven't had a drink in 42 years, so this isn't really something I keep up on but as far as I know Colorado has no law specifically prohibiting carrying a concealed handgun in a bar or n the bar portion of a restaurant.

That said, most of the Night Club type bars around here you have to go through a metal detector to get into the bar anyway.

I haven't been to an actual Bar in at least 15 years but I've sat in the bar part of Red Lobster and the Texas Roadhouse while armed a couple of times
I currently cycle my VP9SK, Hellcat OSP, FN Reflex, and Kimber Nightfall, depending on weather and wardrobe. I'm looking to work my newest acquisition (Masada 9S) into the cycle once I've had a chance to shoot it.

I also carry my little Kershaw Ken Onion 1600, my PowerTec Cadet, and my little SOG multitool. I can't find it on SOG's website so I don't even know if it's around anymore. Here's a couple of pics for size reference.

I haven't had a drink in 42 years, so this isn't really something I keep up on but as far as I know Colorado has no law specifically prohibiting carrying a concealed handgun in a bar or n the bar portion of a restaurant.

That said, most of the Night Club type bars around here you have to go through a metal detector to get into the bar anyway.

I haven't been to an actual Bar in at least 15 years but I've sat in the bar part of Red Lobster and the Texas Roadhouse while armed a couple of times
A buddy and I eat at Texas Roadhouse at least twice a month. They don't have signs prohibiting concealed carry nor do they have 51% signs.
I have more handguns than I care to admit to. Some very fine Springfield’s among them. I’m pretty sure I have found my ultimate carry gun finally at 68 years old. It’s the
Lipseys exclusive Smith and Wesson 432 32H&R mag. I can put rounds where I’m aiming with no trouble at all with this little J frame.I know nowadays everyone want the little screen on top with the red dot, compensated barrel, flashlight, laser beams,and plastic holsters pointed you know where, but I’ve chosen to simply everything. A J frame, leather holster and a speed strip is perfect for me.
State laws regarding alcohol and firearms
Places that primarily serve alcohol are prohibited places as well in Florida.
Here again if my memory is close the law was any establishment getting 51% or higher business from liquor consumption was illegal to carry firearms.
Here in MN the law is (and @HansGruber, please correct me if I'm wrong), you can't carry in bars, but in a restaurant/bar if you are seated in the restaurant seating, it's allowed. Now, I have had some individuals tell me (in their capacity as instructor - but with the instructor's hat off) that they carry everywhere, except for Federal buildings, of course, because most do have metal detectors).
Here in MN the law is (and @HansGruber, please correct me if I'm wrong), you can't carry in bars, but in a restaurant/bar if you are seated in the restaurant seating, it's allowed. Now, I have had some individuals tell me (in their capacity as instructor - but with the instructor's hat off) that they carry everywhere, except for Federal buildings, of course, because most do have metal detectors).
It is a little more cut and dry for me due to the fact I have an State Alc Bev Permit to Sell and legally can have open container (samples) .

Being in a bar with a firearm can result in huge fines and a loss of my state permits = loss of a career
It’s called concealed carry for a reason!!

90% of the time it is a S&W M&P-9c that was customized by ROBAR back in the day.

But like another poster noted, I do rotate my carry piece depending on factors so I may have an M&P 45c (first gen when they were more “compact”), a J-Frame AirWeight, Ruger SP-101, Kimber K-6s, or even the old standby Walther PPK- with the revolvers or PPK I don’t need to worry about running afoul of state magazine restrictions.

Of course if we all KNEW we were going to get into a gunfight we would all be carrying shotguns, rifles or an H&K Mark-23 with us, but the gun at hand is better than the phased plasma rifle in the 40-watt range that is back in the safe….
I’ve carried my Sig P227, double stack for about twelve years now. I had a leather holster made from DM Bullard (?) in Texas and it sits and wears very comfortably. I also carry three extra mags when going to the big cities, though I go as little as possible.
I’m probably going to start carrying a Legion in 9mm as my hands aren’t as strong as they used to be. Too many years doing carpentry.
In the winter I like to pack my P-227 from time to time- in a Galco Miami Classic!!
Here in MN the law is (and @HansGruber, please correct me if I'm wrong), you can't carry in bars, but in a restaurant/bar if you are seated in the restaurant seating, it's allowed. Now, I have had some individuals tell me (in their capacity as instructor - but with the instructor's hat off) that they carry everywhere, except for Federal buildings, of course, because most do have metal detectors).
You can carry in a bar (unless it is posted otherwise).

The only prohibited places are schools, and certain state/federal buildings (courthouses, etc)—and anywhere posted.

Fun fact: you are actually legal to carry in MN with up to a .04BAC.