
Carrying multiple guns

That's simply someone talking about their personal experience. Which is what an internet chat board and every thread in it is for. Precisely.

Nowhere does that quote say it's beyond comprehension, nor does it belittle anyone who's experiences are different.
I'm not saying you feel that way about anyone else. I'm saying you, and people like that, feel this way about themselves doing it.

The words in my original post were:
"It always amuses me how many people wouldn’t get dressed without a gun yet think carrying a second gun is beyond comprehension."

OK, so having said that: Can you comprehend carrying a second (or 3rd, 4th, etc) gun?

The following comment by you:
"I have never been in a situation yet in which I thought than having another handgun on me would make me any safer."
...sounds like no, you cannot comprehend carrying any more than the gun you carry now.
I'm not saying you feel that way about anyone else. I'm saying you, and people like that, feel this way about themselves doing it.

The words in my original post were:
"It always amuses me how many people wouldn’t get dressed without a gun yet think carrying a second gun is beyond comprehension."

OK, so having said that: Can you comprehend carrying a second (or 3rd, 4th, etc) gun?

The following comment by you:
"I have never been in a situation yet in which I thought than having another handgun on me would make me any safer."
...sounds like no, you cannot comprehend carrying any more than the gun you carry now.
The sentence you quoted was not made by Bassbob. It was The Night Rider posted that exact sentence on Thursday at 11:41AM. Don't want to continue the back and forth as I agree with most what you said in your original post.
I'm not saying you feel that way about anyone else. I'm saying you, and people like that, feel this way about themselves doing it.

The words in my original post were:
"It always amuses me how many people wouldn’t get dressed without a gun yet think carrying a second gun is beyond comprehension."

OK, so having said that: Can you comprehend carrying a second (or 3rd, 4th, etc) gun?

The following comment by you:
"I have never been in a situation yet in which I thought than having another handgun on me would make me any safer."
...sounds like no, you cannot comprehend carrying any more than the gun you carry now.
That doesn’t mean I can’t comprehend it brother. I absolutely can. And in fact I have. I’m 55 years old now and there is a lot of things I don’t do now that I did regularly when I was younger. My attitude about carrying guns is not the same now as it was when I was 19. For a not insignificant percentage of my adult life there was no concealed carry or having a gun in your car that was legal in this state. I often did it anyway.

My point I guess is semantics. While I can’t think of anything I do now or situation I would be in where 2 handguns would make me feel safer, it is certainly not incomprehensible. Maybe because all my carry guns have been flawless for many thousands of rounds, in many classes and weather conditions and are all quality firearms not “ Saturday night specials” I don’t worry much about the gun failing me.

And none of that should be misconstrued as me saying there isn’t a legitimate reason for people to carry a backup.

Much like Hayes, my back up is usually close by, has much higher capacity and a significantly more robust payload. 😉
Hate to show my ignorance but is this a 175 or maybe an 8 incher?
M110A2 Howitzer. The 175 was an M107, It didnt have a Muzzle Brake. The M107 was out of service long before I enlisted. I actually fired the last M110A2 round to ever go downrange in the United States Army at Fort Carson in 1999. Bravo Battery 2/157th FA CoANG

The 107 was phased out in the late 70s due to a slow rate of fire and inaccuracy at longer range. It was also a higher pressure round (I'm not sure why) and it wore out tubes and recoil systems quicker.

According to my research it's still in use in some countries
M110A2 Howitzer. The 175 was an M107, It didnt have a Muzzle Brake. The M107 was out of service long before I enlisted. I actually fired the last M110A2 round to ever go downrange in the United States Army at Fort Carson in 1999. Bravo Battery 2/157th FA CoANG

The 107 was phased out in the late 70s due to a slow rate of fire and inaccuracy at longer range. It was also a higher pressure round (I'm not sure why) and it wore out tubes and recoil systems quicker.

According to my research it's still in use in some countries
Remember the 175's from Vietnam. Can't remember what FSB I was in but there were two guns and they made a very big bang. My tank platoon was attached to 101 Airborne where these guns were. Thanks for the info.
The reasons I always thought an second handgun was a good idea, was 1, jordan type holsters were bad for dumping revolvers in an obstacle ridden foot chase, and2, if my handgun was taken from me in a "donnybrook". A holster strapped to my vest under arm worked o.k. but was a little slow. The pistol was a colt mustang.
The reasons I always thought an second handgun was a good idea, was 1, jordan type holsters were bad for dumping revolvers in an obstacle ridden foot chase, and2, if my handgun was taken from me in a "donnybrook". A holster strapped to my vest under arm worked o.k. but was a little slow. The pistol was a colt mustang.
I really liked the Jordan holsters, carried a M-66 in a reversed angle model. I can't remember, were they called Border Patrol models?
Only the 3rd left handed Border Patrol holster I've ever seen. This one, the one Rick Grimes wore in "The Walking Dead" and mine. Bought mine out of a 'left over' bin at one of my old hang-outs many years ago. A lgs here in town and about 1980 or so. It's no longer in business and I sure do miss it. But I really like the holster.
Is anyone carry a backup weapon other then your primary weapon. If so what are your carrying and how are your carrying it.
Thanks in advance for your responses.
depends on where i am going, and if i am going to be mostly in vehicle or out, sometimes my back up is a .380 LCP Max, but sometimes its an AR pistol w/7 1/2 in. barrel and several 30 rd mags, what ever i carry all are locked and loaded
The last 3 weeks or so, I have been carrying 2 firearms when leaving the house. My usual EDC of the Glock 26 IWB at 4:00 and a spare 19 round mag, and a j-frame 642 in my front left pants pocket with two speed loader reloads. Don't know if I really need the 642 and reloads, but I hardly notice them so, for now, I will continue to carry 2 guns.
