
What are you doing right now??


In the morning I'm driving down to the Branson area. One of my oldest and dearest friends suddenly lost his wife a few days ago. I'll be there for the service then hang around a couple days. Keep John in your prayers. Thank you.

Are you talking about Branson , MO. ? Sorry to hear about your friends wife. Always tough to loose a loved one.
watching the mkts......Fed to announce rate cut decisions tomorrow, it's between 25-50 bps, some have called for 75 but doubt we'll see that. Now if Powell says a string of cuts are going to be queued up for the next 1-2 qtrs, then my freinds, it is party time. :cool:
Forgot to mention got a call from my best friend in high school. We have kept in touch all these years and he told me he has stage 4 lung cancer. He also said when he told his wife she moved out and wants a divorce! I feel so bad for him. I guess when it rains it pours. He said he had put off telling me all the good news because he didn't want me to worry. They have done radation and chemo and now he will be on Keytruda therapy. Hope he has a few more years and they get better for him. Like I said never thought I was old until recently and have seen several friends pass away.Life is not fun when you get older I guess. Boy, nobody mentioned that part. Sorry for the rant.
My brother had thyroid cancer, then lung cancer. He is cancer free after Keytruda. He had 2 years to live maybe 6-7 years ago.
All is not lost.