Nice knife.
I train/teach Filipino Martial Arts and part of the training involves the use of blades like Machetes and knives. I have training blades but will sometimes put duck tape over the blade of a live blade to train, but not on a student...

I have a few blades in different shapes(Karambit, Spearpoint, Butcher). I even have a OTF(Out The Front) knife.
Part of the training we do are techniques where the folding knife is closed and we use the metal ends to strike pressure points and other targets. It's advanced training but I used it a few times in self-defense and was able to avoid having to cut someone. The beauty of these techniques is that you can also do them in a pinch with a folded newspaper or AARP magazine...

Since I don't like to make civilians nervous, I usually carry folding knives in public. I will carry a smaller fixed blade sometimes but not usually a Karambit as those knives sometimes draw a little negative attention. I prefer to fly under the radar as much as possible.
3 of the blades in the picture were bought at a local pawn shop used for under $35 each. I have a couple of Benchmade knives that were gifts, but I only carry them when I'm wearing a suit and tie which isn't often anymore...