
Corona Tracker

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They did indeed. I was just talking with the wife the other night about everyone is going to switch to "virtual meetings" via webex and conference calling. Sure enough, Havard University is not having students return after spring break. No physical classes. MIT, UMass Amherst, Suffolk, Tufts and a host of others have jumped on the bandwagon. All classes will be done online and anyone staying on campus will have to be cleared as to why they need to be there.and have very limited access on campus. So it begins...
"So it begins..."

Yep, next will be mandatory city-wide curfews. I expect the first one will probably be declared by "comrade" deblasio, just so he can be at the forefront of the news cycle.
Not to rain on anyones parade about the masks, but I was "certified" in fit testing for TB masking in the hospital. These were very similair, if not the same type of N95 masks you would buy in the store. To do a fit test, you seal a mask to your face and put a on a "hood", much like you would see on a biohazard suit. A scented mist would run inside the hood and if you could smell the scent, the mask didnt fit and you would need to try on another mask and do the proccess over again. The hospital had S, M, L, size masks just like you have with gloves, shirts, etc. I'm only seeing a one size fits all in all of the local stores, and I am not seeing anyone being fit tested. Just saying.
"So it begins..."

Yep, next will be mandatory city-wide curfews. I expect the first one will probably be declared by "comrade" deblasio, just so he can be at the forefront of the news cycle.
Although it isn't a curfew per se, New Rochelle NY has issued a mandatory containment area (I read a report yesterday, that the town/city is a ghost👻 town).

As for Deblasio (or De-azz-hole, as some call him :sneaky:), he has called a State of Emergency for the City

This forgot "MERS" (one of the other 3 Coronavirus' out there, along with SARS and the COVID-19). MERS was mainly contain to the Middle East and had a death rate of like 30% I believe. Although COVID-19, seems to be spreading faster and further (hence the Pandemic classification), it's unknown if it will ever hit the death rate MERS (and even SARS), did.
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