
Do you clean after each range trip ?


regarding the strip and, and clean...............and of the naked people all over da place, and taking a lady friend to the range and being the BEST PART of the trip...........

it's gonna either hurt, having hot brass bounce off those loose bouncing boobies, or burn like hell someone's P/P, if the brass lands on those parts, cuz after all, the guy will "stiff as a board" and not too mention, the private hair burning from that such hot brass....

that's one scenario

on da other hand..............

others trying to focus on thier targets, will without a doubt, shoot themselves, maybe shoot the person they are with, and or join in and get naked as well.....lending to more P/P's getting burnt, private hair fires that will be unstoppable, and some lurking in the back row, undoubtedly getting "excited"...hey it could happen, we don't know everyones "partner preferences these days".....

and a whole git down and dirty orgie of shooters, onlookers, and maybe even an RSO or two, will take place...

put me down for 2 tickets.!!!!!!!

View attachment 44944
well, all righty then.

regarding the strip and, and clean...............and of the naked people all over da place, and taking a lady friend to the range and being the BEST PART of the trip...........

it's gonna either hurt, having hot brass bounce off those loose bouncing boobies, or burn like hell someone's P/P, if the brass lands on those parts, cuz after all, the guy will "stiff as a board" and not too mention, the private hair burning from that such hot brass....

that's one scenario

on da other hand..............

others trying to focus on thier targets, will without a doubt, shoot themselves, maybe shoot the person they are with, and or join in and get naked as well.....lending to more P/P's getting burnt, private hair fires that will be unstoppable, and some lurking in the back row, undoubtedly getting "excited"...hey it could happen, we don't know everyones "partner preferences these days".....

and a whole git down and dirty orgie of shooters, onlookers, and maybe even an RSO or two, will take place...

put me down for 2 tickets.!!!!!!!

View attachment 44944
On a more serious note, I. Lean my guns when I feel like it cleaning ‘em. I’ll go 250-500 rds between cleanings. They’re all combat guns. They can take it.

Agreed. If I have a gun that is so delicate I'm afraid it might not work after shooting 50-100 rounds, then I'm not going to own it for long, and I'm certainly not going to stake my life on it. Cleaning every single time you shoot a gun is an OCD thing, and is drilled into people by institutions, but it certainly isn't necessary for the continued function of a quality combat firearm...otherwise it wouldn't be a quality combat firearm, by definition. IMHO.
Agreed. If I have a gun that is so delicate I'm afraid it might not work after shooting 50-100 rounds, then I'm not going to own it for long, and I'm certainly not going to stake my life on it. Cleaning every single time you shoot a gun is an OCD thing, and is drilled into people by institutions, but it certainly isn't necessary for the continued function of a quality combat firearm...otherwise it wouldn't be a quality combat firearm, by definition. IMHO.
well if we enter WWWIII soon, thanks in part to Russia, and now Hamas, maybe even China/Taiwan, and Rocket Man in N. Korea, i'd want all my guns to be ready and functional at a moments notice, not gummed up, or galling, and being of non-functional use.

crimes, will soar, rioting will be everywhere, cops will be inundated with cries for help and be short handed, and all the woke, defund the police, politically correct politicians will be hunkered down in their underground bunkers, till the nuclear cloud dissipates.

the apocalypse is coming.....

Nostradamus said in his book,

The Great War
One of the first predictions for 2023 that stands out is "a great war." According to Nostradamus, "Seven months into the Great War, people dead of evil-doing. Rouen, Evreux shall not fall to the King."
This has been prophesied as the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict could escalate into World War 3. In the terrifying prediction, the French city of Rouen appears to have escaped the battle.

and the last Pope who by the way is still in office

New Pope
Nostradamus' next prediction for 2023 is the arrival of a new Pope to succeed Francis. He predicted that Pope Francis would be the final true Pope and that the next Pope would cause a debacle.
The French mystic wrote, "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will be Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End."
When I got my Sig 228 in ‘91, i did a “torture test”.
5000 rounds of not cleaning and never had a failure or issue.
Gun was so dirty I couldnt stand it anymore, so I opted not to go 8000 rounds. I was shooting 2000 rounds month then.
Cleaned it and its still in use with me today.
View attachment 44953

And that's why I still own and carry more classic P-series Sigs than anything else.
well if we enter WWWIII soon, thanks in part to Russia, and now Hamas, maybe even China/Taiwan, and Rocket Man in N. Korea, i'd want all my guns to be ready and functional at a moments notice, not gummed up, or galling, and being of non-functional use.

crimes, will soar, rioting will be everywhere, cops will be inundated with cries for help and be short handed, and all the woke, defund the police, politically correct politicians will be hunkered down in their underground bunkers, till the nuclear cloud dissipates.

the apocalypse is coming.....

Nostradamus said in his book,

The Great War
One of the first predictions for 2023 that stands out is "a great war." According to Nostradamus, "Seven months into the Great War, people dead of evil-doing. Rouen, Evreux shall not fall to the King."
This has been prophesied as the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict could escalate into World War 3. In the terrifying prediction, the French city of Rouen appears to have escaped the battle.

and the last Pope who by the way is still in office

New Pope
Nostradamus' next prediction for 2023 is the arrival of a new Pope to succeed Francis. He predicted that Pope Francis would be the final true Pope and that the next Pope would cause a debacle.
The French mystic wrote, "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will be Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End."
If Apocalypse or Russian missiles are coming a clean gun will be a moot point. If it’s a Red Dawn scenario I’ll have time to clean my Sigs and HKs. If my ARs need cleaning there’s something wrong with them.
well if we enter WWWIII soon, thanks in part to Russia, and now Hamas, maybe even China/Taiwan, and Rocket Man in N. Korea, i'd want all my guns to be ready and functional at a moments notice, not gummed up, or galling, and being of non-functional use.

crimes, will soar, rioting will be everywhere, cops will be inundated with cries for help and be short handed, and all the woke, defund the police, politically correct politicians will be hunkered down in their underground bunkers, till the nuclear cloud dissipates.

the apocalypse is coming.....

Nostradamus said in his book,

The Great War
One of the first predictions for 2023 that stands out is "a great war." According to Nostradamus, "Seven months into the Great War, people dead of evil-doing. Rouen, Evreux shall not fall to the King."
This has been prophesied as the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict could escalate into World War 3. In the terrifying prediction, the French city of Rouen appears to have escaped the battle.

and the last Pope who by the way is still in office

New Pope
Nostradamus' next prediction for 2023 is the arrival of a new Pope to succeed Francis. He predicted that Pope Francis would be the final true Pope and that the next Pope would cause a debacle.
The French mystic wrote, "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will be Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End."
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regarding the strip and, and clean...............and of the naked people all over da place, and taking a lady friend to the range and being the BEST PART of the trip...........

it's gonna either hurt, having hot brass bounce off those loose bouncing boobies, or burn like hell someone's P/P, if the brass lands on those parts, cuz after all, the guy will "stiff as a board" and not too mention, the private hair burning from that such hot brass....

that's one scenario

on da other hand..............

others trying to focus on thier targets, will without a doubt, shoot themselves, maybe shoot the person they are with, and or join in and get naked as well.....lending to more P/P's getting burnt, private hair fires that will be unstoppable, and some lurking in the back row, undoubtedly getting "excited"...hey it could happen, we don't know everyones "partner preferences these days".....

and a whole git down and dirty orgie of shooters, onlookers, and maybe even an RSO or two, will take place...

put me down for 2 tickets.!!!!!!!

View attachment 44944
OMG!!! Thank you! After the day I've had...this made me laugh so hard I thought I would pee my pants (didn't tho,, :cool: )