
Gotta Love it! "Gulf of America".

Wasn't going to do this, but in light of this turning into a racist thread:

Born into an Air Force family, father was a pilot & officer. During my upbringing, there was zero talk about not associating or playing with "those" kids. Well, in 4th grade, a group of us kids outside playing. Dad called me in and said, "I don't want you playing with that boy anymore". Well, I wondered why so asked. His reply was, "that kids dad is enlisted". First hit of seclusion.

Went on and graduated High School -- first stop was the Air Force Recruiter. Joined on 26 Jan 1968 and headed to Amarillo Texas for Basic. Old wooden barracks, got into a room with two other folks. One, George C. Clark Jr., a quiet, Black fellow, and we soon became friends. Both of us wanted to work on airplanes so we got an assignment to Sheppard Texas to learn how to work on them. Close to the end of Tech School, we got our assignments -- both of us to Homestead Florida. Well, that didn't set well with me as I joined to get away from home. Just 11.3 miles from the Hospital gate to my parents' house. George was happy but saw I was not. We went to personnel and volunteered for Southeast Asia.

Yep, both got Udorn Thailand. Same barracks, second floor. Spent our year and when we got our assignments for home -- yep, Craig Alabama. Same story reversed -- he was born & raised in Selma, so he decided to head back overseas. I, on the other hand, met this sweet Southern girl and we got married 18 Sept 1971. George had headed back to Thailand.

Stayed there for a while then Mrs. Tinyman (Judy) and our newborn son headed to Germany for a four-year tour. Left and went to Pease New Hampshire, then to Plattsburgh New York. Hated it so I volunteered for Korea. Spent my one-year tour at Osan and the Air Force sent me back to Plattsburgh.

Told my supervisor that I would only be there for a maximum of two years. Got my choice assignment for the last for years -- Kadena Okinawa. Was there for about a week and took Judy to the on-base Burger King. She got a table, and I got the tray. On the way over to her, I sensed someone next to me. He said, "I should whip your big cracker ass". Yes, it was George.

Small world, huh?

Spent those last four years and headed home for retirement -- George had married another Air Force member, so he and I bid farewell.

Took a year off before even trying to get a job. Stayed with her parents in Selma. One day we decided to go to Montgomery to shop. Hour drive wasn't bad -- shopped and returned home. Just pulled into the driveway when her mom said "I gotta pee". Followed by Judy, "I gotta pee too". Dad had the house keys so went to the backdoor to let them in. I'm standing there with a full trunk, so started the "haul". Cleared the carport and heard, "what the hell you doing in my neighborhood cracker"? Yep, it was George -- his mom lived two doors down.

So, when I say it's a small world, you just got to agree.
Wasn't going to do this, but in light of this turning into a racist thread:

Born into an Air Force family, father was a pilot & officer. During my upbringing, there was zero talk about not associating or playing with "those" kids. Well, in 4th grade, a group of us kids outside playing. Dad called me in and said, "I don't want you playing with that boy anymore". Well, I wondered why so asked. His reply was, "that kids dad is enlisted". First hit of seclusion.

Went on and graduated High School -- first stop was the Air Force Recruiter. Joined on 26 Jan 1968 and headed to Amarillo Texas for Basic. Old wooden barracks, got into a room with two other folks. One, George C. Clark Jr., a quiet, Black fellow, and we soon became friends. Both of us wanted to work on airplanes so we got an assignment to Sheppard Texas to learn how to work on them. Close to the end of Tech School, we got our assignments -- both of us to Homestead Florida. Well, that didn't set well with me as I joined to get away from home. Just 11.3 miles from the Hospital gate to my parents' house. George was happy but saw I was not. We went to personnel and volunteered for Southeast Asia.

Yep, both got Udorn Thailand. Same barracks, second floor. Spent our year and when we got our assignments for home -- yep, Craig Alabama. Same story reversed -- he was born & raised in Selma, so he decided to head back overseas. I, on the other hand, met this sweet Southern girl and we got married 18 Sept 1971. George had headed back to Thailand.

Stayed there for a while then Mrs. Tinyman (Judy) and our newborn son headed to Germany for a four-year tour. Left and went to Pease New Hampshire, then to Plattsburgh New York. Hated it so I volunteered for Korea. Spent my one-year tour at Osan and the Air Force sent me back to Plattsburgh.

Told my supervisor that I would only be there for a maximum of two years. Got my choice assignment for the last for years -- Kadena Okinawa. Was there for about a week and took Judy to the on-base Burger King. She got a table, and I got the tray. On the way over to her, I sensed someone next to me. He said, "I should whip your big cracker ass". Yes, it was George.

Small world, huh?

Spent those last four years and headed home for retirement -- George had married another Air Force member, so he and I bid farewell.

Took a year off before even trying to get a job. Stayed with her parents in Selma. One day we decided to go to Montgomery to shop. Hour drive wasn't bad -- shopped and returned home. Just pulled into the driveway when her mom said "I gotta pee". Followed by Judy, "I gotta pee too". Dad had the house keys so went to the backdoor to let them in. I'm standing there with a full trunk, so started the "haul". Cleared the carport and heard, "what the hell you doing in my neighborhood cracker"? Yep, it was George -- his mom lived two doors down.

So, when I say it's a small world, you just got to agree.
I think I mentioned it before but think we overlapped at Udorn. I worked Town Patrol there for a while. My gosh it was more than 50 years ago.
You can't seriously not understand my point. You're just trying to prevail by word parsing.

But your silliest claim is that racism didn't exist until people started calling it out. It gas always been widespread among white people and also POC groups. And your explanation is a favorite among white-supremacist groups and dock rats.

So why don't you get back on topic.
Again with the reading comprehension. When did I say racism didn't exist before people started calling it out? I said when you call everything racism, inappropriately, pretty soon everyone just rolls their eyes. And the fact that you clearly think racism only happens among white people proves you are someone not to be taken seriously.
Or the world is getting very much worse and being in the Klan or a (insert demographic) power organization are no longer things to be ashamed of. One or the other.

In any event, how effing stupid is it to waste time on the name of a body of water? We have legit problems here but someone thinks spending even a second on "Gulf of Mexico/America" is useful. Why? We have wildfires, a changing climate regardless of whether you like to hear it (a couple days of cold weather don't negate a trend), ICE arresting American citizens in New Jersey because reasons, some dolt telling CDC/FDA/NIH they can't communicate with the health care system (WTF? I guess there aren't epidemics or unsafe food if there's no testing or communication?), some dolt saying the Gilded Age was the best time in the US and what we should go back to (enjoy that one, anyone who isn't a plutocrat. Workplace safety laws were silly anyway, I sure hated them during my time in the trades and other manual labor), conditioning fire aid on turning on "valves" and voter ID (good luck, Texas and Florida next time there's a DNC president, we'll remember that), 75% of the workers in California's Central Valley, which supplies a huge percentage of our nation's food not showing up (and you though eggs and groceries were expensive before), "Christians" who have apparently never read any part of the Bible (I'll point you to the Beatitudes and Leviticus 19:33-34 if you're confused) angry that a bishop asked the president for mercy for vulnerable people (Anyone ever read the teachings of that Jesus fellow? Kinda exactly what his thoughts were...). And it's only been a few days. Good Lord, people.

We're all going to take it in the shorts and people are focused on the name of a body of water that doesn't care a lick about what it's called. Pointless? Oh my, yes. Distracting from screwing us all? Also yes.
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I love it when some go mental when they're not calling the shots anymore.

View attachment 74233
Either that, or they point out that other people are blindly following a crazy person to their own detriment and in direct contradiction to their own beliefs and there isn't an emotional component involved at all. Examining one's self can be hard, apparently. You want to see snowflakes? How about the most powerful man in the world and his government followers getting their panties in a twist when a bishop asks the supposedly Christian people to be, you know, Christian.
Either that, or they point out that other people are blindly following a crazy person to their own detriment and in direct contradiction to their own beliefs and there isn't an emotional component involved at all. Examining one's self can be hard, apparently.
Sort of like this person.


At least you still have this loser.

Sort of like this person.

View attachment 74237
If you want to have a good-faith discussion about the successes and failings of the Biden administration I'm here for it. I've been triyng very hard to contact my own senators about that very topic but, as is true with all politicians, there is no response. But lets not pretend for a second that the last few days haven't had some objectively terrible and empty headed moves made by donald.
If you want to have a good-faith discussion about the successes and failings of the Biden administration I'm here for it. I've been triyng very hard to contact my own senators about that very topic but, as is true with all politicians, there is no response. But lets not pretend for a second that the last few days haven't had some objectively terrible and empty headed moves made by donald.

Or the world is getting very much worse and being in the Klan or a (insert demographic) power organization are no longer things to be ashamed of. One or the other.

In any event, how effing stupid is it to waste time on the name of a body of water? We have legit problems here but someone thinks spending e even a second on "Gulf of Mexico/America" is useful. Why? We have wildfires, a changing climate regardless of whether you like to hear it (a couple days of cold weather don't negate a trend), ICE arresting American citizens in New Jersey because reasons, some dolt telling CDC/FDA/NIH they can't communicate with the health care system (WTF? I guess there aren't epidemics or unsafe food if there's no testing or communication?), some dolt saying the Gilded Age was the best time in the US and what we should go back to (enjoy that one, anyone who isn't a plutocrat. Workplace safety laws were silly anyway, I sure hated them during my time in the trades and other manual labor), conditioning fire aid on turning on "valves" and voter ID (good luck, Texas and Florida next time there's a DNC president, we'll remember that), 75% of the workers in California's Central Valley, which supplies a huge percentage of our nation's food not showing up (and you though eggs and groceries were expensive before), "Christians" who have apparently never read any part of the Bible (I'll point you to the Beatitudes and Leviticus 19:33-34 if you're confused) angry that a bishop asked the president for mercy for vulnerable people (Anyone ever read the teachings of that Jesus fellow? Kinda exactly what his thoughts were...). And it's only been a few days. Good Lord, people.

We're all going to take it in the shorts and people are focused on the name of a body of water that doesn't care a lick about what it's called. Pointless? Oh my, yes. Distracting from screwing us all? Also yes.
Dude, relax. We dealt with a mentally incompetent puppet who repeatedly attacked half of the country every way he could think of, let 9 or 10 million unvetted illegals walk across the border ( oh no, one person was slightly inconvenienced. Do you think Laken RIley's parents were inconvenienced), spent billions of dollars housing and feeding them while the people who actually live here watched their grocery bills and energy bills triple. Unconstitutionally tried to forgive people's student debt, stripped title 9 and forced public schools to let men play women's sports and join real women in the locker rooms and bathrooms, weaponized the FBI and the ATF against conservatives, gun owners and parent's at school board meetings. Repeatedly lied to the American public about Biden's senility, weaponized the DOJ against their political enemy while simultaneously warning us that he would weaponize the DOJ against his political enemies. Day in and day out warning us about the threat to democracy while installing their DEI candidate to the presidential race. It takes some big balls to call Trump a liar while supporting Biden doesn't it ? Yeah renaming mountains and bodies of water is stupid and a waste, but a guy could make an entire lifetime career pointing out all the stupid and wasteful shite in the Inflation reduction act. Or how about giving giant tech companies billions of free dollars, how is that not stupid. The richest bastards on the planet need more money ? Really ?

Anyway man, clearly none of us here have been thrilled with the last 4 years. We all managed to survive. You will too.
If you want to have a good-faith discussion about the successes and failings of the Biden administration I'm here for it. I've been triyng very hard to contact my own senators about that very topic but, as is true with all politicians, there is no response. But lets not pretend for a second that the last few days haven't had some objectively terrible and empty headed moves made by donald.
I'm pretty sure most of the people who voted for Trump have been pretty happy with the last few days. And Trump spent more time answering questions from the media in the last 4 days than Biden did his entire presidency.
I think Willmar should be renamed Kandiyohi since you folks already have a statue to the Chief.


It's sort of racist to name the town after a white European when Chief Kandiyohi fished for "buffalo fish" (aka Bigmouth buffalo) there, and folks killed off the local Indian tribe.

But it's a nice town & I had a rifle built near there.

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