
Gotta Love it! "Gulf of America".

Either that, or they point out that other people are blindly following a crazy person to their own detriment and in direct contradiction to their own beliefs and there isn't an emotional component involved at all. Examining one's self can be hard, apparently. You want to see snowflakes? How about the most powerful man in the world and his government followers getting their panties in a twist when a bishop asks the supposedly Christian people to be, you know, Christian.
There's no shortage of activism in the clergy.

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Is that "good-faith" thing is a stumbling point? Or is it considering anything donald does to be less than godlike?
he is a jackass like none other for sure, but 1 thing he is is a businessman and they need to let him take care of ALL politician failings on both sides (i'm stating this for all members here)! i'm on the side of getting america back on track on saving this place rather than destroying it like those on capitol hill (all political parties)! i don't give a rat's backside about dei nor the alphabet soup genders or those who claim none! they don't need extra rights as they are either a male or female by birth! PERIOD!!!!!! if they're not a gender, then they shouldn't vote! more after this short commercial break!
It's amazing that some folks still haven't figured out how DJT plays his cards.
Yep. 5 pages of hand wringing here over trivia. He has a really big spoon and he's going to use it. He was elected, after all, to be a disruptor and change agent. Agree with him or not, he's breaking a lot of glass but getting more done by accident than his predecessor did on purpose. I find watching the news far more interesting in the past week.
It just irks me no end to hear the word "racism" constantly thrown around by those who should have more intelligence than what they convey.

To begin with, I am part Cherokee. I am proud of this heritage. I am not one to try to use it to get any advantages, unlike democrat, white privileged Lie-a-watha.

For those of you who like to claim or virtue signal about racism and "colonialism":

1. All of you white Europeans need to self deport yourselves back to Europe where you belong.
2. All of you Asians need to self deport yourselves back to Asia where you belong.
3. All you Blacks need to self deport yourselves back to Africa where you belong.
4. All you Indians need to self deport yourselves back to India where you belong.
5. Same goes for Arabs, Jews, Russians, Ukranians, Canadians. South Americans, Columbians, etc.

You are on MY land. You continue to illegally inhabit and colonize MY and MY BROTHERS' AND SISTERS' land.
The only ones who belong here are Mexicans and Native Americans. Period. YOU are the invaders. YOU are the ones guilty of "systemic racism" by holding MY PEOPLE down with your illegal occupation. YOU threw my people into internment camps and reservations.

To say that you are hypocrites is being nice. I get tired of the constant hypocrisy of those who claim to "care" being the main perpetrators of what they accuse others of. Seriously. If you can't man up and go back to your motherland, then you need to shut up and sit down. You have no room to throw stones at anybody, as you are the most guilty of what you charge others of. Again, you don't belong here, on MY ANCESTRAL LAND. Period. Your continued occupation of MY HOMELAND is systemically racist. Period.
Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
TDS is a serious illness, the sufferers don't care if the country fails long as Trump fails. i can't stand Biden or Harris and NEVER voted for them but dang man, when they were in office i was hopin they would do a good job. but they failed in every respect and TDS sufferers only see TRumps mistakes. not the Donkey parties...But my biggest gripe is these so called gun owners that say they have all these semi autos and so called A salt weapons vote for a party that has promised to take them from the public and ban high capacity magazines.

Now they have every right to vote the way they do, but if you do by god don't come and tell me how great you are at shooting with an AR15 and have owned many of them for years. If you want your guns banned that's fine but leave mine alone.

These people either are suffering from TDS so bad they don't give a crap if their 2A rights are taken or don't have a lick of common sense. probably both.
It just irks me no end to hear the word "racism" constantly thrown around by those who should have more intelligence than what they convey.

To begin with, I am part Cherokee. I am proud of this heritage. I am not one to try to use it to get any advantages, unlike democrat, white privileged Lie-a-watha.

For those of you who like to claim or virtue signal about racism and "colonialism":

1. All of you white Europeans need to self deport yourselves back to Europe where you belong.
2. All of you Asians need to self deport yourselves back to Asia where you belong.
3. All you Blacks need to self deport yourselves back to Africa where you belong.
4. All you Indians need to self deport yourselves back to India where you belong.
5. Same goes for Arabs, Jews, Russians, Ukranians, Canadians. South Americans, Columbians, etc.

You are on MY land. You continue to illegally inhabit and colonize MY and MY BROTHERS' AND SISTERS' land.
The only ones who belong here are Mexicans and Native Americans. Period. YOU are the invaders. YOU are the ones guilty of "systemic racism" by holding MY PEOPLE down with your illegal occupation. YOU threw my people into internment camps and reservations.

To say that you are hypocrites is being nice. I get tired of the constant hypocrisy of those who claim to "care" being the main perpetrators of what they accuse others of. Seriously. If you can't man up and go back to your motherland, then you need to shut up and sit down. You have no room to throw stones at anybody, as you are the most guilty of what you charge others of. Again, you don't belong here, on MY ANCESTRAL LAND. Period. Your continued occupation of MY HOMELAND is systemically racist. Period.
Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

No doubt the native people in North America were treated poorly, but that ship has long sailed. There has been conflict since the beginning of time over possession of land all across the world with empires won by taking land from nations long erased into the annuls of history. The indigenous peoples who occupied North America lost the conflict to the hordes of Europeans migrating westward across the continent in search of more land no different than Genghis Kahn and his Mongol tribes inhabited an immense empire by taking from other, weaker, people. The Babylonians, the Aztecs, the Incas all conquered land from others. So did the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt and the Romans. The Huns the Zulus and the numerous Chinese dynasty’s, all conquered their neighbors land. The indigenous people of North America are on a long list of those who lost their conflict for their homeland. I’m not saying it is right, just saying it is what it is.
No doubt the native people in North America were treated poorly, but that ship has long sailed. There has been conflict since the beginning of time over possession of land all across the world with empires won by taking land from nations long erased into the annuls of history. The indigenous peoples who occupied North America lost the conflict to the hordes of Europeans migrating westward across the continent in search of more land no different than Genghis Kahn and his Mongol tribes inhabited an immense empire by taking from other, weaker, people. The Babylonians, the Aztecs, the Incas all conquered land from others. So did the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt and the Romans. The Huns the Zulus and the numerous Chinese dynasty’s, all conquered their neighbors land. The indigenous people of North America are on a long list of those who lost their conflict for their homeland. I’m not saying it is right, just saying it is what it is.
Oh, I am not crying victim. I am pointing out the fact that those in this nation that cry racism, and put themselves up as being victims and exploited, are no different than those they accuse. Everybody has been taken advantage of at some point in their existence. And those that scream the loudest are just as guilty as those they perceive as being oppressors. They themselves are oppressing. People need to get over themselves and work towards being better human beings, in turn creating a better society.
Oh, I am not crying victim. I am pointing out the fact that those in this nation that cry racism, and put themselves up as being victims and exploited, are no different than those they accuse. Everybody has been taken advantage of at some point in their existence. And those that scream the loudest are just as guilty as those they perceive as being oppressors. They themselves are oppressing. People need to get over themselves and work towards being better human beings, in turn creating a better society.
It's also worth pointing out that we ( and by we I mean Native Americans) aren't the ones crying about racism or demanding extra rights. My great uncle was a tribal elder in the Cherokee Nation, he fought in WWII and Korea, was a decorated war hero and not him or anyone else I know in the nations is asking anyone for anything. Now some of my distant relations on Pine Ridge might be having a much harder time, but I still don't hear or see any evidence of them asking for anything, although they do by and large hate them some white people. Understandably.
No human race/group originated in the Western Hemisphere.

DNA analysis tracks back the "First" ones to the Western Hemisphere, that came across the Bering Land Bridge, back to northeastern Asia. And if we want to use the "way back machine" we should all go back to eastern Africa.

We're all mixed-breed mutts no matter how long our ancestry goes back.
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Time after time, the Political Left has the inherent inability to analyze what they do wrong, and then "deflect" their failures on to others.

They always ignore their failings, and say they'll get it right the next time they put the boot on the rest of societies' neck.
Either that, or they point out that other people are blindly following a crazy person to their own detriment and in direct contradiction to their own beliefs and there isn't an emotional component involved at all. Examining one's self can be hard, apparently. You want to see snowflakes? How about the most powerful man in the world and his government followers getting their panties in a twist when a bishop asks the supposedly Christian people to be, you know, Christian.
I've refrained for some time from entering this discussion, but finally see it as more informative than political, so ... I don't think I noticed a "getting pants in a wad" due to the question ... but more to the point it was the venue in which the question was asked. Seems to me it was supposed to have been a traditional 'prayer vigil' and sermon by an Episcopal bishop (person of the cloth), but turned out to be more a political speech by one who favored more her political activism over religion to her captive audience.

Just this one man's perception.
I think Willmar should be renamed Kandiyohi since you folks already have a statue to the Chief.

View attachment 74243

It's sort of racist to name the town after a white European when Chief Kandiyohi fished for "buffalo fish" (aka Bigmouth buffalo) there, and folks killed off the local Indian tribe.

But it's a nice town & I had a rifle built near there.

Kandiyohi is the first town east of Willmar, so…it would be kinda redundant.