
In a World of Compacts, Is it Bad my EDC is a Full Size?

So I feel myself a bit out of place sometimes because my EDC is a Springfield 1911 Mil-Spec Defender, 5" Barrel. A lot of people said about getting the compact pistol, but I have no problem carrying this.
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And I think that's perfectly fine, which ever a person feels comfortable carrying is what they should be carrying. I just talk to a lot of EDC individuals in my area, and all of them said the Compact/Micro is the best way to carry.

Let us rephrase that slightly :

Compact to Subcompact are the most * Popular * . The 2020's ( decade ) buying trends favor small , and hold a bazillion rounds .

The single most popular Category currently are Subcompact Polymer 9mm .

Both True Statements .

Does most popular this week or year make them the only viable option? Heck No .

Does most popular this week/ month, make them * best * ? Nah

Does that mean the no longer as popular isn't as effective , or more effective ? Nope

For decades , people carried full size , serious , steel handguns Decent holster , good belt , and a measure of dressing around the gun .

Happened often enough to be a cliché. I'd be browsing in a LGS , and a prospective would be fondling a popular Compact-ish gun of the day , and pronounce to the effect of ' it's nice , but it's too big to carry ' , and hand it back .

Within earshot , I was biting my tongue , wearing a steel 1911 , And a steel K Frame.
I have tried to find a short way to tell this story but I havent yet.

My first "carry gun" was an RIA 1911 but I never actually carried it because when I got my permit my wife suggested I buy a handgun chambered in .40S&W because she thought it would be cheaper than .45acp.

When your wife suggests you buy a new gun you listen. So I bought a CZ75B in .40S&W. It turned out to be one of the better (and heavier) guns I ever owned but CZ wasn't on the approved list for HSS so I ended up selling it.

My next two guns were third generation S&Ws, a 4006 and a 6906. In 2013 I had a malfunction on the 6906 during a training class. While trying to reduce the malfunction I accidentally engaged the safety on the 6906. After that I decided I was never going to carry a gun with a manual safety again.

The next shift was from third generation S&Ws to first Generation M&Ps and 9mm handguns exclusively.

The last shift was from M&Ps to Glocks because I like the idea of having a full size and compact gun that will take the same magazines and I prefer the Glock 26 to the first generation M&P 9C.

Bottom line, I am either carrying a Glock 19 or a 26.

Depending on who you ask a 19 is a Full size or a compact. I have no problem concealing it and I carried one during several 12 hour shifts at work with no discomfort.

I've encountered quite a few people who think a Glock 26 is too much to carry. That's their decision. A Glock 26 is about as small as I'm comfortable carrying
I'm a small guy, I'm most comfortable carrying the 1911. I'm grateful to have a rotation to match the threat, and my shoes.
Though the 1911 is heavy, it still sets the standard for perfection to those who want to put a bullet on target.
The many that I see that prefer a lighter, more compact hangun, usually have the mentality to Pop Caps until the threat stops. It disturbs me to see that in law enforcement so often today.
We all should get back to the old-school and put bullets on target with a 1911 of your choice. Pop Caps with your plastic backup gun.
I guess the end result is that, if you want to carry a 1911, do and don’t worry about what the rest of us think. What I carry depends on what I am wearing for concealment of said firearm. Small as a Bodyguard, large as a CZ-40b.
Your EDC is the gun you feel comfortable and confident carrying, my current EDC is a XDM Elite 45ACP with the extended magazine and 3.8 barrel and although with the 3.8 barrel it’s considered a compact handgun I consider it a full size pistol. I do have the 10mm version of that same make and model setup the same way and occasionally carry that depending on my destination.