
Mandatory storage


Founding Member
I keep seeing where places are trying or have enacted mandatory storage laws…..ok, who is going to check that you do, and who in there right mind would tell anyone….. I don’t store my guns locked up, this to me is senseless, next they will tell you how to pull your car in the garage…..you can’t back it in….you have to pull it in…..asinine
I keep seeing where places are trying or have enacted mandatory storage laws…..ok, who is going to check that you do, and who in there right mind would tell anyone….. I don’t store my guns locked up, this to me is senseless, next they will tell you how to pull your car in the garage…..you can’t back it in….you have to pull it in…..asinine
as it goes here in (RI), if the cops get called to your home for say a domestic call, they will search for guns.

(no other time, "they say")

if a gun (or several) are NOT in use, like your carry, they must be either locked up in storage, cabinet, safe, etc, or have a trigger lock.

if found in the open and unsecured, you are subject to if i recall a $250 fine...the first time.....
The Safe Storage of Firearms law mandates that firearms be stored in secured or locked containers or be equipped with a tamper-resistant lock or other safety device, with fines of up to $250 for first offense, $1,000 for second, and fines and/or potential imprisonment of up to six months for a third violation. More severe fines and potential prison sentences may be imposed upon those who do not secure firearms if a child or someone prohibited from possessing a firearm gains access.

Firearms dealers in Rhode Island are now required to post informational signs regarding safe storage.

so yeah, asinine........

so let's see what happens, when you secure your guns, someone breaks in, steals them, breaks open the locks and kills someone with your gun....

at least....supposedly.......you don't get charged..??

how will they prove you DID have a lock on the gun..??

the criminal gonna say to the cops......"oh yeah man, the dude has his guns safely stored when i stoled them, he absolutely obeyed the law officer"
Let's let in a minimum of 12 million folks who don't belong here, hire non-prosecuting DA's, cut police funding, establish a two tiered justice system, decriminalize drugs and not enforce current gun laws because progs know best how to run the country. What on earth could go wrong?
I have a lockbox in my truck and a safe at home. I also have a few guns sprinkled around just in case. I don't think we need to have government's nose in every dang thing we do nor does it need to be the solution to every issue someone brings up.
Probably won’t come into play until a kid gets a hold of one of your guns.
which in my case, all my kids, thier kids, (grand kids), know to stay the heck away from our bedroom.

the basement door is locked, there is no access thru any basement window, or the bulkhead as well.

but, to be honest, i do have my guns that are not in use, locked up in cabinets all the same.

it was to me a "feel good law" to let the voters know thier reps are actually trying to disarm us.
To my mind, responsible firearm ownership includes owning a good, quality safe. . . and using it.
Doing whatever needs to be done to make sure your guns don’t end up in the hands of anyone they shouldn’t be. Whatever that takes. That however will not encompass what this law would mandate.

Growing up my old man never had a safe. I knew where his guns were. And some of them were loaded. Something kept me from ever messing with them and it wasn’t a safe.
Doing whatever needs to be done to make sure your guns don’t end up in the hands of anyone they shouldn’t be. Whatever that takes. That however will not encompass what this law would mandate.

Growing up my old man never had a safe. I knew where his guns were. And some of them were loaded. Something kept me from ever messing with them and it wasn’t a safe.
but you are one of the very few....

was your dad "the law giver" and you were scared of him..???

today's kids settle thier fights with guns.

not all homes have 2 parents.

not all parents lay the house law down on thier kids.

my kids knew, i'd send them thru the wall if they screwed up, or gave the wife a hard time, when i was on the road.

nowadays, kids ain't scared of thier parents, a call to child services is what they do.

and they laugh at you.

not too many parents (or parent) rule the home with an iron fist
My dad only had one gun and he shot at me with it twice. i still have it

I would like just one time to have access to broadcast nationally that the way to significantly reduce gun violence is to clean up the streets of the inner cities (and suburbs thereof). If gangs go away, and those illegally possessing handguns (most under 21 are illegally possessing) are removed from said handguns, we could create the most dramatic graph downward spike ever seen!

But sure, let’s make more laws that only (most) law abiding citizens will follow, while the 12-20 year olds continue to play shootout at the OK Corral almost everytime there’s a gathering of wayward utes.
long ago when we lived on base
your firearms were required to under 2 locks
the front door and rear door counted as one
and we kept them in a steel foot locker that was locked,
then when you wanted to go to the trap or pistol range, you called the security office and gave them a personal identifier code?? why, they had your name and then told them you were leaving base with them or going to the range
then once you got home you called and reported safe and sound as it were

i cant imagine some yahooo leo coming to my door and eyeballing a pistol and saying it was in some violation
thus...i never ever ever ask a LEO, to enter my house. we can talk outside the fence. unless they have a warrant to enter.
one thing i love about texas is my fence gate is no entry or pass unless i give permission, or a warrant..
PC is not good enough. get a warrant.
but then again, i refrain from robbing, murder and kidnapping,

even the ones i know as good range acquaintances.

or even entering my property without just cause or due process...but i sure know it could happen
it did in NM.

i guess not being a person of interest is key and not being a domestic issue :eek: :eek: