
Someone tried to shoot Trump

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I didn't see any midgets protecting Trump on the presentation stand in these articles.

Once they leave the office, unless they are running again for office after one term, they should have to pay for their own armed security. Most of them make millions once they get out, they can afford their own security. Secret Service should only be for those currently in office, and those running for office at the time. Clinton, Bush, Obama can afford their own security.
I disagree
President is the highest office in the land.
Regardless of who they are, they deserve Federal protection .
I read where the media was even posting reviews the shooter's father made for products he bought from Botach along with other "Internet sleuthing" they did to make the claim it was a "Gun culture".
They will play it. The only surprising thing is they haven’t made more public claims.

Just remember folks the E in electronic messenger and E mails stands for EVIDENCE.

I remember even within BOP anytime a lawsuit happened a common tactics of inmate lawyers was doing a FOIA request and they would give everyone (usually supervisory staff or staff within the lawsuit) a heads up they were doing a scan of e mailed. On a Lawsuit by John Walker Linh (American Taliban) the agency looked pretty bad and unprofessional with some comments folks made to each other not counting on it coming out like that.

I’m sure the Dad about S&/t a brick when his kid did that and they were there with warrants.
The media is so screwed up where they label the innocent victim as a Trump supporter and not just an innocent victim as a way to dehumanize him. I feel this maybe a way to draw less sympathy from people for the events that unfolded to further push a narrative.
First rule of Journalism: Its not what you say, its how you say it. The right words can shape opinions any way you want. :poop:
Once they leave the office, unless they are running again for office after one term, they should have to pay for their own armed security. Most of them make millions once they get out, they can afford their own security. Secret Service should only be for those currently in office, and those running for office at the time. Clinton, Bush, Obama can afford their own security.
if i recall, the protection did end for a while, then another President, ordered it back....Obama..maybe...???

it's a "famous high powered person", that some numbnuts will want to be infamous for killing.

thing is, thankfully, not to much attention is given anymore to the killer(s).

but i do understand your point, as it does cost the taxpayers money, for that persons lifetime.
Apparently cops saw the shooter and called in a “suspicious person” about a half hour before the shooting. So the DEI hire secret service head says the buck stops with her, then blames local law enforcement. And she’s the one who’s going to get to the bottom of this ? 😕🙄
I’m guessing she gets canned in the next couple days.
Quite possible, although the normal modus operandi of the left is to double down and hope to get top cover from the admin and the media. I think she'll get canned when the investigation has been completed and they need someone to throw under the bus. This could be before the election but certainly before Trump is inaugurated.
You guys are talking like Trump is already won, now if everything was fair i would agree. you know they are going to cheat. can they cheat enough to win? we will see. they didn't win last time either but you see who is in office. they got away with it so they will do it again. they have ruined the election process.
They even cheated in their own primaries. i seen a couple reports from different states. they have no morals when it comes to getting what they want.
Yep, I had to laugh this morning when I heard Biden say the people overwhelmingly voted for him to run as the Democrat nominee. Of course he left out the part where they (DNC) practically forbade any competition on any of the Democrat primary ballots.
i'll lay odds she gets canned when Trump wins.
That’s a given as it’s an appointed position and outside of (in the past) usually the Director of the Bureau of Prisons was the one that was immune from being replaced with incoming administration that is probably off the table now as well.

After the Epstein debacle (and he killed himself despite the “theories” BOP when I was in was and still is notorious for not fixing building issues) they fired him and since the Executions were ramping back up they (Trumps team under AG Barr) put the retired Director Hawk-Sawyer and Deputy Director Cain as they were running everything for the McViegh, Garza and Jones executions in 2001 and 2003 which was smart.

On the USSS Director she needs to be fired but as Biden proves he has never fired anyone and the DHS Director (her boss) doesn’t have the nuts either!

I will say the one I feel bad for is the female agent everyone is making fun of. Yes it was pathetic she was so stressed out she couldn’t get her gun holstered Yes she was indecisive but that falls on agency leadership that checked off and watered down trainjng.

80% or close to it if American line cops would be just as bad and we see that on body cameras when shootings turn into utter abortions in body camera!

As far as conspiracy yeah the way folks are running and stupid comments I fell bad for anyone that has them as jury members!!!