
Someone tried to shoot Trump

i have been around and worked for the government waaaaayyyyy to long to believe the planets aligned all by themselves for a 20 year old. No way he did all the planning and advanced trips to scope out the place, etc and way to many LEOs seems to have reasons why they failed to act speedily

i hate to think the cia and fbi maybe had some part in trying to pull an Kennedy 2.0
or worse yet a 3rd sort of conspirators are cooking up stuff
we will never know what mr 20 year old was thinking, ?

might just be...all the built up frustration against trump since 16
but darn it takes more than one lone guy,
anyone report if he had a range he used or ???
i think his dad has some culpable baggage as well...just saying
and i hope i am wrong
i have been around and worked for the government waaaaayyyyy to long to believe the planets aligned all by themselves for a 20 year old. No way he did all the planning and advanced trips to scope out the place, etc and way to many LEOs seems to have reasons why they failed to act speedily

i hate to think the cia and fbi maybe had some part in trying to pull an Kennedy 2.0
or worse yet a 3rd sort of conspirators are cooking up stuff
we will never know what mr 20 year old was thinking, ?

might just be...all the built up frustration against trump since 16
but darn it takes more than one lone guy,
anyone report if he had a range he used or ???
i think his dad has some culpable baggage as well...just saying
and i hope i am wrong
Yes he was a member of a local gun range. What culpable baggage does his dad have ? The only thing the media has successfully been able to accuse him of was being a gun enthusiast. The media said there were about a dozen guns in the home. O M G Must have been planning a terrorist attack. :rolleyes:

I grew up in a home with more guns in it than that. And most of them were loaded and I knew where they were and how to use them. Never in a million years would anyone in my house ever have dreamed of doing anything illegal with them.
Yes he was a member of a local gun range. What culpable baggage does his dad have ? The only thing the media has successfully been able to accuse him of was being a gun enthusiast. The media said there were about a dozen guns in the home. O M G Must have been planning a terrorist attack. :rolleyes:

I grew up in a home with more guns in it than that. And most of them were loaded and I knew where they were and how to use them. Never in a million years would anyone in my house ever have dreamed of doing anything illegal with them.
the area of its dads firearm, that 20 year old used
i was leaning on the recent case were both parents of the last shooter got hammered because they basically provided the firearm, could they go after him for allowing the kid to use dads firearm ?

imo there is way to much , passing the buck , USSS leader said they were short people, and pulled agents to tend to other protectees
why not use DOD the special teams have the ability to be sworn in as agents.. why was that not tapped for help
irritating as heck it is. she even stated in the interview the sloped roof was dangerous so they secured the building from inside??? WTholllyyyyy cow patty? there is pictures of agents on a sloped roof?
the area of its dads firearm, that 20 year old used
i was leaning on the recent case were both parents of the last shooter got hammered because they basically provided the firearm, could they go after him for allowing the kid to use dads firearm ?

imo there is way to much , passing the buck , USSS leader said they were short people, and pulled agents to tend to other protectees
why not use DOD the special teams have the ability to be sworn in as agents.. why was that not tapped for help
irritating as heck it is. she even stated in the interview the sloped roof was dangerous so they secured the building from inside??? WTholllyyyyy cow patty? there is pictures of agents on a sloped roof?
Ethan Crumbley was a minor. 15 years old I think. The shooter was not a minor. And he belonged to a range/ club and had borrowed it before. And most importantly he apparently exhibited no signs of being a deranged murderer, unlike Ethan Crumbley.

His dad did nothing wrong. Hell, my dad bought me a 1911 when I was 15 or so. My uncle owned a gun store, my dad owned a gunstock finishing business and I damn near had a shotgun in my hand before I could ride a bike.
the area of its dads firearm, that 20 year old used
i was leaning on the recent case were both parents of the last shooter got hammered because they basically provided the firearm, could they go after him for allowing the kid to use dads firearm ?

imo there is way to much , passing the buck , USSS leader said they were short people, and pulled agents to tend to other protectees
why not use DOD the special teams have the ability to be sworn in as agents.. why was that not tapped for help
irritating as heck it is. she even stated in the interview the sloped roof was dangerous so they secured the building from inside??? WTholllyyyyy cow patty? there is pictures of agents on a sloped roof?
Lots of major differences between the Michigan case (I don’t want to use that a$$hats name) in and this case

Michigan kids parents had a lot of “enabling “ that the prosecutor didn’t have to go too far out on a limb to prove.

When your 20 it’s sort of all on you unless Dad was involved which feom all reports he was pretty blindsided
News reports, including Fox News state the shooter “stocked up” on 50 rounds of ammo before the rally.

Thats not stocked up.. i like the medias misconceptions and lack of knowledge.

Thats like a politician or news anchor buying 1 Tie for their suit
One story I think on NBC went on for three paragraphs giving us a history lesson on the company who made the shooter’s AR ( DPMS) and their subsequent sale to PSA. Including a statement from Jamie whatshisname from PSA. A brief primer on the origin ( Stoner) and a summary of which states ban them ( and the scotus apparent refusal to take up a case challenging the ban) and which states ban “ high capacity magazines “.

We all knew they’d get around to blaming guns and gun culture.
Maybe my tinfoil hat is on too tight, but with all the info coming out, I'm beginning to wonder if all these security lapses might have been intentional. :rolleyes:
When everything comes out this was nothing more than a communication issue and (I’m not saying it lightly it was serious) some oversights. Now were those oversights at the upper level (I presume so) or more at the mid level planning area? We can’t say yet.

I also don’t think the timeline is going or pan out to be “several minutes) as some say communication between the local PD and SS had a lag (it always does) and I highly doubt the local PD that challenged the suspect and then pretty much fell off (you can argue whatever but he dropped far enough probably reacting like anyone would and has a severely broken ankle) so with that injury and you were the only one to relay stuff how long would it take to get composure back???

Lots of questions.

To the conspiracy theories you give the Government too much credit they could never pull off some of the movie type BS people have came up with and keep everyone out of the loop. It’s the Government!!!!.
Channel 11 News exclusively confirmed Tuesday that Crooks was spotted by police hanging around the American Glass Research complex more than an hour before the assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump.

Channel 11′s Nicole Ford also obtained exclusive photos showing a cell phone and transmitter device found next to Crooks moments after a Secret Service sniper shot and killed him. On Monday, Ford reported pictures of Crooks had been taken by local police at least 26 minutes before shots were fired and sent up the command chain.

On Tuesday, multiple law enforcement sources confirmed with Ford that Crooks was also spotted by police with a range finder.

According to multiple sources, when former president Trump took the stage Saturday, Crooks was still on the ground and had not yet climbed the roof of the building. Channel 11 news can also confirm that Crooks was on the roof with a gun for fewer than seven minutes when first confronted by a Butler Township police officer.

When everything comes out this was nothing more than a communication issue and (I’m not saying it lightly it was serious) some oversights. Now were those oversights at the upper level (I presume so) or more at the mid level planning area? We can’t say yet.

I also don’t think the timeline is going or pan out to be “several minutes) as some say communication between the local PD and SS had a lag (it always does) and I highly doubt the local PD that challenged the suspect and then pretty much fell off (you can argue whatever but he dropped far enough probably reacting like anyone would and has a severely broken ankle) so with that injury and you were the only one to relay stuff how long would it take to get composure back???

Lots of questions.

To the conspiracy theories you give the Government too much credit they could never pull off some of the movie type BS people have came up with and keep everyone out of the loop. It’s the Government!!!!.
No one said it was the government. And slow walking a response doesn’t take much forethought. It could have been as few as one or two people gumming things up. Like you said, we don’t know. Maybe we’ll never know. One thing we do know is that things in politics and political/ government agency actions are almost never what they appear to be and the narrative will always be manipulated by those with something to hide.
"The father of the gunman who shot Donald Trump called police after the rally shooting, worried that his son and a firearm were missing, according to reports.

Matthew Crooks realized his 20-year-old son, Thomas Matthew Crooks, and an AR-style rifle were missing shortly after shots were fired at the former president at a campaign rally on Saturday in Butler, Pennsylvania. Three senior law enforcement officials told NBC News that the father then called police."

The one thing I haven't heard is who was the Agent in charge of this sh!t show? No mention of them at all. Wouldn't they be the person ultimately responsible for this inexcusable failure?
Eric Trump was on the Brial Kilmead radio show today and gave an excellent interview on it. I recommend everyone listen here

Perhaps!!! However if they had asked for additional support and was denied by an area/regional supervisor or Director/Deputy Director it’s not on the Detail supervisor.

When that comes out tey will probably release interagency e mailed/memos as that will always be formally asked however I’d be highly autofill they (actually I’ll just say they won’t l) release the Ops Order

Every one of these will have a detailed operation order printed out and studied by every member of the detail .often times there is even dry runs before hand if afforded an opportunity.

Again lots of questions down in the weeds the will be getting to!
Maybe my tinfoil hat is on too tight, but with all the info coming out, I'm beginning to wonder if all these security lapses might have been intentional. :rolleyes:
Senator Corey Mills, a former sniper, has said in a couple interviews that it is possible that the failure to cover the rooftop was intentional. Fine! However, I think that he needs to be more specific in what he means by 'intentional'. Does he mean malicious intent which would indicate that it was done knowing that someone was going to climb up there and take a shot and Trump. Or, was it the kind of intent that, while it was done on purpose, deliberate, it was done because someone didn't want to make the effort to physically station themselves on the roof and decided that it could be covered just as well from the ground. That also is an intentional decision and I am inclined to think that is what Sen. Mills meant also.

I am also inclined to think that these kind of security screw-ups happen rather frequently and it's only after something major happens that they come to light.
I am also inclined to think that these kind of security screw-ups happen rather frequently and it's only after something major happens that they come to light.

Sort of a similar topic. A lot of school districts think their active shooter plan works great…..and it usually does except the day the active shooter shows up….and they find out the BS that newly formed School Corp Police Department Chief sold the school administrator didn’t! Ask Parkland, or Uvalde or etc!

Head should roll but I place my blame (unless something comes out) on the Director and her minions
"The father of the gunman who shot Donald Trump called police after the rally shooting, worried that his son and a firearm were missing, according to reports.

Matthew Crooks realized his 20-year-old son, Thomas Matthew Crooks, and an AR-style rifle were missing shortly after shots were fired at the former president at a campaign rally on Saturday in Butler, Pennsylvania. Three senior law enforcement officials told NBC News that the father then called police."

Harris Faulkner of Fox news broke the story about an hour+ ago that Crook's parents called local LE BEFORE the shooting and told them that Thomas was missing and they were worried about him. I haven't heard anything further.