
Someone tried to shoot Trump

Almost a month later this is reported-

"The Defendant Allegedly Traveled to New York City to Hire Hitmen to Murder a Politician or U.S. Government Official on U.S. Soil. Merchant subsequently made flight arrangements and planned to leave the United States on Friday, July 12, 2024. On July 12, law enforcement agents placed Merchant under arrest before he could leave the country. "

Arrested the day before the Trump assignation attempt?

did you see all the new body cam footage today on the news? wholly cow secret service has much more splaining to do

makes you wonder...if his close group detail was great, but the rest were like...oh well its a day to work look the other way at the guy the police were looking for again after they lost him
As I predicted, the crowdsource of modern comms and instant videos will doom all the BS being shoveled by the gov't. Wray of the FBI must think we're stupid. The the acting director was the one who turned down requests for additional assets. And why do they keep showing photos of the guy in high school instead of the long-haired maggot infested lefty he was? I'm not saying there was a conspiracy because I don't know that there was. But jeez, these guys are operating like it's 1963.
As I predicted, the crowdsource of modern comms and instant videos will doom all the BS being shoveled by the gov't. Wray of the FBI must think we're stupid. The the acting director was the one who turned down requests for additional assets. And why do they keep showing photos of the guy in high school instead of the long-haired maggot infested lefty he was? I'm not saying there was a conspiracy because I don't know that there was. But jeez, these guys are operating like it's 1963.
Perhaps that is what's going on here. Some of them ARE acting like it's 1963. It is not. This isn't then and we are not unaware. Live ready bc if they retain power, all of what is left may soon be gone.
More is coming out

Those placed on leave included one member of Trump's personal protective team, the head of the Secret Service's Pittsburgh Field Office, and three other agents with the office.

Agents planning the July 13 Donald J. Trump rally in Butler Township, Pennsylvania, were encouraged by U.S. Secret Service headquarters not to ask for extra event security, a whistleblower told Republican U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri.

An Arizona sex offender who allegedly threatened to assassinate former President Donald Trump was arrested after a three-day manhunt, dangerously close to where Trump was speaking about the border crisis.

As Trump addressed reporters at the border in Arizona, one reporter asked if he was aware of the situation.

“In this county, somebody made death threats to you. Did you hear about that before coming, and what are your thoughts coming down here?” the reporter asked.

The net effect of the arrogance and incompetence of USSS leadership is on full display. I would expect some lower level agents to be thrown into the volcano to appease the media gods. But to a great extent they were set up for failure by upper management. For crying out loud, they have a "must not fail" mission and they lost focus on the mission. Hawley and Cotton are not buying the lower level sacrifices. A wire brush needs to be taken to the entire command structure. Hopefully USSS will come out the other side better for it.
No surprises. In reality historically most candidates get threats and hate mail. When I attended protective services training in the early 70's we got to read some of the crazy mail and it is sobering to peek into the minds of lunatics. USSS briefs the principals on the threats. I recall that VP candidate Mondale quipped that he was reconsidering running after getting the briefing. Sadly, prominent people are targets for nut jobs. The constant hate rhetoric on social media and even mainstream media fans the flames of crazy thinking.
The net effect of the arrogance and incompetence of USSS leadership is on full display. I would expect some lower level agents to be thrown into the volcano to appease the media gods. But to a great extent they were set up for failure by upper management. For crying out loud, they have a "must not fail" mission and they lost focus on the mission. Hawley and Cotton are not buying the lower level sacrifices. A wire brush needs to be taken to the entire command structure. Hopefully USSS will come out the other side better for it.
Man, I love that wire brush analogy. Seems to me federal "anything" could use one of those.