
Someone tried to shoot Trump

While I certainly don't trust the administration and the alphabet agencies, and I wouldn't put it past them to attempt something, I don't think this was a huge conspiracy. I do think it was a colossal error on several fronts, and probably in part due to a lack of caring about protecting Trump, but I don't think a bunch of people were in on it.
I don't trust any details that have come out.
But let's assume some are true.
Someone helped the shooter, but, it wasn't the entire administration/Democrat party and the 3 letter agencies.
Thats kind what was on Bartiromo I mentioned this morning and someone linked it above. Interview with Sen Ron Johnson trying to get information and being stonewalled.
Post-attack the FBI has total jurisdiction of the investigation. What's disturbing in the interview is that an ATF agent was telling local law enforcement to send him any of their pictures they took that day. Who is in charge? Everybody or nobody? This is how the conspiracy theories gain ground and confusion arises. Maybe that's their intent.
Forget about getting new equipment, how about you watch and guard a proper perimeter instead !!!
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) today released bodycam footage of local law enforcement and United States Secret Service (USSS) personnel responding to the scene of the shooter in Butler, Pennsylvania.

The video confirms:
  1. Local law enforcement saw the shooter prior to his presence on the roof.
  2. Local law enforcement shared pictures of the suspected shooter with USSS, raising questions with respect to exactly when the pictures were shared.
  3. Law enforcement lost track of the suspected shooter.
  4. Law enforcement sought access to a drone to secure the water tower after the shooting.

Video Link-
2024-07-13 Beaver Co ESU Bodycam Footage