
Springfield 'manuals' vs. the "Armory" publication print quality ?

I also would like a manual with a new firearm. But lets face it the younger generation doesn't read from print anymore, it's all on a phone. If i want one that bad I would just print it out.
Correction, younger generation CAN’T read……I myself want a hard copy, if the gun doesn’t come with one, I will pass on it, not everyone today uses the innerweb, asinine that companies want to go cheaper by not including a manual, but still charge a high or higher price.
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As far as online manuals vs printed are concerned, most households own a printer.
I prefer to print the 1-2 pages I need vs having the whole dang manual

That works fine for print.

Look at the example i posted.

You can't even make out the figure numbers on regular printer paper. The quality isn't good enough for graphics ( i.e. pictures)

Should I have to buy photo paper ?

Their graphics and print in their (advertising) "The Armory Life" are high quality on good paper, and they're free. But they cut corners when you buy something ?

It sounds like people are saying I should quit buying Sprinfields if I want to be satisfied.

I'm not good with mediocrity. It sounds like much of the buying public have come to accept that
I GET that. THAT'S not the issue. I've GOT those computer images That's a no-brainer.

Having to swipe back and forth with oily hands while balancing a disassembled rifle trying to insert a firing pin while discovering I had to compress a spring to twist the keeper of the pin was the problem
It cost Sprinfield $2.59 to mail me a hard copy on cheap paper that still didn't show enough detail.

They did that twice. Once for the Hellcat. Once for the rifle.

They saved some money cutting corners, I guess.

It makes me wonder what compromises they make in their firearms just to save money on them.

I guess I'll go look elsewhere if I want a perception of quality and attention to detail with my next firearms. They'll be fine with that. They're saving money.
It cost Sprinfield $2.59 to mail me a hard copy on cheap paper that still didn't show enough detail.

They did that twice. Once for the Hellcat. Once for the rifle.

They saved some money cutting corners, I guess.

It makes me wonder what compromises they make in their firearms just to save money on them.

I guess I'll go look elsewhere if I want a perception of quality and attention to detail with my next firearms. They'll be fine with that. They're saving money.
The next company won’t give you a manual either.

So if I’m reading this right, your whole complaint is that SA should have used photo paper so you wouldn’t have to ?

I can’t count how many times I’ve had my phone propped up in the shop, pausing and restarting videos while trying to figure out how to disassemble or assemble a firearm. If I can I try to get enough from watching the whole video first so I don’t have to reference it in the middle of the job, but that’s not always possible. Phone has a screen protector so oil and stuff wipes right off. I also have nitrile gloves.

What do you do when you run across an old gun and you don’t know how to break it down ? Winchester won’t send you a color copy of a user manual for a model 97. And a Hellcat and an AR aren’t nearly as complex as a 97.
It cost Sprinfield $2.59 to mail me a hard copy on cheap paper that still didn't show enough detail.

They did that twice. Once for the Hellcat. Once for the rifle.

They saved some money cutting corners, I guess.

It makes me wonder what compromises they make in their firearms just to save money on them.

I guess I'll go look elsewhere if I want a perception of quality and attention to detail with my next firearms. They'll be fine with that. They're saving money.
The modern age doesnt suit you well does it ?
SA is following suit of the practices of thousands of companies in the market for goods across the globe.

Is what it is.
Has nothing to do with quality.
Ok, I agree with the OP, there should be one included with every firearm, if they want to cut costs, quite giving raises to the higher ups in the offices, I mean Springfield, S&W used to give you a plastic case with the gun, now it’s cheap cardboard, he77, Girsan even gives you a manual and plastic case. Pathetic, but they still jack up gun prices……
Ok, I agree with the OP, there should be one included with every firearm, if they want to cut costs, quite giving raises to the higher ups in the offices, I mean Springfield, S&W used to give you a plastic case with the gun, now it’s cheap cardboard, he77, Girsan even gives you a manual and plastic case. Pathetic, but they still jack up gun prices……
I have bins full of plastic cases and cardboard boxes. Some have manuals in them. It’s been so long since I saw them I’d have to think about where they even are. They can keep that crap. It’s just more white I gotta store somewhere.
Then print the couple pages you need and move on ….spent more time complaining on this website than it took to go to SA and print a better copy
AGAIN. I DID print the copy on print-quality paper didn't show the detail I needed after Springfield spent $2.59 to mail me their's. But thanks.

I try to read someone's complete post before I respond. I guess the modern age doesn't allow the time to gather info before responding.
What prompted all this is that the DAY AFTER I dealt with the lousy print, they sent me their magazine with the paper and quality that COULD have been used for a decent manual.

How many Springfield Arms firearms do you guys have ? You either flaming me or devotedly sticking up for your Springfields. There ARE other brands, you know...

Have a nice day. I'm going to go see my Oncologist now. Enjoy life.
The nice thing about online manuals is that by the time you open them, whatever mistakes they made have been found and corrected. The sucky thing is seeing them on your phone. But since only old people use message forums anymore, this might seem like a more widespread problem than it seems like to manufacturers.

Anyway, a tablet works great for this and you can get a good one for about the price of a tax stamp.