
We are in trouble

You don’t get it.

This isn’t a comparison.

At the end of the day DJT is a RINO.
No you don't get it

If she wins you will lose your gun rights. they have said this is what they want, not something i made up. they want semi autos banned. you will lose you freedom of speech, just like this morning i got a warning from youtube and they removed my gun videos i posted here.

Nobody here thinks Trump is a saint, nobody. but he's a helluva lot better than the communist you are pushing. I swear some of you people are blind as a bat. can't see what harris and tampon timmy stand for. and you are gun owners at that.

Your TDS is keeping you from logical thinking, unless you want communism. and some of you may.
The choice is clear.

Time to nuke this thread too
Why is everyone so quick to want to nuke threads? Been seeing this in a few forums/threads now. Personally, I prefer those pushing Socialism/Marxism/Communism be free to post so I can identify which posters they are. Makes it easier to understand their posts are coming from deep within the DNC bubble and we get an idea of how they’re thinking. Better to know your opponent than never see them coming. Personally, I find it easy to glance over their regurgitated DNC talking points and then press on to see what patriots are thinking.

To be quite honest, the comedy relief the leftists provide in most posts is very invigorating!
No you don't get it

If she wins you will lose your gun rights. they have said this is what they want, not something i made up. they want semi autos banned. you will lose you freedom of speech, just like this morning i got a warning from youtube and they removed my gun videos i posted here.

Nobody here thinks Trump is a saint, nobody. but he's a helluva lot better than the communist you are pushing. I swear some of you people are blind as a bat. can't see what harris and tampon timmy stand for. and you are gun owners at that.

Your TDS is keeping you from logical thinking, unless you want communism. and some of you may.
The highlight I made above was so I could post - Communists are fine with guns as long as they are the only ones that have them and can control all other humans. See any Democrat politician espousing gun control while being protected by dozens of guns on the taxpayer dime.
He also says he won in 2020. This is a lie.

He also says that you can kill infants after birth in MN. This is a lie.

Give me one good reason to believe he isn’t lying about 2025.
Each of us has our own opinion, Hans, but I observed first hand there were a lot of irregularities in the 2020 election. COVID wreaked havoc. I can understand why Trump or anyone else might question the results. And I don't aree with saying someone's opinion you don't agree with is a lie. That being said, you are also entitled to your opinion.

I watched a news report this morning that said there were in fact newborn babies in MN who had been born alive but put aside to die. Not a lot, but a few. If there were any, then saying that would not be a lie.

2025 was put out as you know by the Heritage Foundation, a "think tank." I have seen nothing about Trump having anything to do with it. Because it has some questionable statements and might cast a negative light on Trump, the media is all over it trying to implicate him as being a part of it.

In my mind at least, there is a difference between a liar and someone who I would say might be a "windbag." During my working career, I was sometimes in contact with people in the land development business, like Trump. To invest the time, effort and money in building a hotel, office building, resort, etc., etc., in the hopes that it would be successful in attracting people and giving you a return on investment, takes a particular kind of personality. I know I could not do it, and there are not a lot of folks who can. Most of the developers I have been around have a personality similar to Trump. I put much more trust in people's actions and results than in what they say.
Why is everyone so quick to want to nuke threads? Been seeing this in a few forums/threads now. Personally, I prefer those pushing Socialism/Marxism/Communism be free to post so I can identify which posters they are. Makes it easier to understand their posts are coming from deep within the DNC bubble and we get an idea of how they’re thinking. Better to know your opponent than never see them coming. Personally, I find it easy to glance over their regurgitated DNC talking points and then press on to see what patriots are thinking.

To be quite honest, the comedy relief the leftists provide in most posts is very invigorating!
I'm not afraid of finishing threads either, but there are no Socialists/Marxists/Communists who are at all influential in American politics, and none of the fantastical stories Trumpers believe are funny.

Carry on.